Story of a Little Girl: Part 1

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It has been 6 months since the battle of New York, the tower has been fixed and named avenger tower. The group of heroes were all staying at the tower now, each with their own floor except Natasha and Clint who shared one instead.

It was a Monday afternoon, and the entire group was in the common room on the main floor. Steve, Nat, and Clint were watching a show while Tony was working on his tablet tinkering with projects. Bruce was splitting his attention between the TV and his work on his tablet. Thor was not with them, as he had not returned from Asgard yet after taking his brother back home.

Halfway through the movie, the ding of the elevator could be heard, making everyone look up at the sound just in time to see Fury stepping out. Steve paused the movie and stood up to meet the man, while Tony put his tablet down muttering about intrusions. Everyone else gave Fury their attention as well. "What can we do for you, sir?" Steve asked. "Don't tell me aliens are invading again" Tony remarked. Fury rolled his eyes walking into the large living space. He was dressed in his usual attire, black clothing with a coat and eye patch. The room was large, a step leading into it. It was filled with a light brown living room set. A 3 seated couch stood at one end, it was where Nat and Clint usually sat. Next to it was a 3 seated couch that was not usually used by anyone, but Steve, who would always sit in the middle of the thing. There were 2 single-seat couches on the opposite side, one was Tony's the other was used by whoever was usually visiting. A circular coffee table stood in the middle, and a large TV occupied the wall, facing all of the couches. The room was tiled, but a large, beautiful rug, with patterns covered the entire living area. Fury sat in one of the single-seat couches that gave him gave him a view of everyone else. He looked so exhausted.

Everyone else sat down as well, wanting to know what the hell was going on. Fury sighed and looked at each one of the people present in the eye. "I am going to tell you a story...." he was interrupted by Tony saying "Great now spy here tells stories." Fury fixed him with a glare before continuing, "And while I tell this story I would appreciate it if there were no interruptions." He looked at Tony and Clint again. "Now about 8 years ago..." Fury continued. "A baby girl was born in the Hunan province of China, where her family was residing. 3 months later an 084 was..." Fury saw the confused looks on almost everyone's faces so he explained, "an 084 is an object of unknown origin. Anyways one was discovered in the village in China. A S.H.I.E.L.D team was sent to investigate and retrieve the object, but about 2 days after they arrived all contact with the team was lost. The head of operations determined that the team most likely encountered hostiles and went dark to getaway. 24 hours later when no contact was made by the team, a rescue team was sent to investigate. When they got to the village they discovered that it had been massacred along with the entire S.H.I.E.L.D team that was sent to retrieve the 084. While investigating the area they found a 3-month-old baby girl in one of the dead Agent's arms. At first, they thought she was dead too but she was actually sleeping and the blood she was covered in belonged to the Agent holding her. She was the only survivor in a village with a population of 679 and a S.H.I.E.L.D team of 16. The Agent in charge of the rescue team decided to bring the girl back to the US where they could search for next of kin. When they returned, the girl was left in temporary care at the Triskelion while the search for a family was done. 8 days after arriving in the US the members of the rescue team started dying. Their bodies were found in their homes and it appeared that they had been tortured before being shot twice, once in the head once in the chest. A month later when only 2 members of the 10 man team remained and no next of kin had been found yet, info was found suggesting that the people killing the Agents were after the girl. It was determined that it would be safer for her if she was put into the foster system...." he was cut off by Clint mumbling "safer for whom."

The thing is Clint had experience in the system and knew what it was like. He was a foster kid to and ran away with the circus when it became too much for him. He just hoped that the girl was ok. Fury cleared his throat and continued the story, "an Agent dropped her at an orphanage without any papers or letter, knowing babies without info were given names and paperwork. An invisible protocol was also set so she never stayed more than 3 months in a single foster family or orphanage. A group of Agents was assigned to keep an eye on the situation at all times."

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