A very long day

554 14 4

Unknown Location

A man sat behind a desk, with nothing but a small desk lamp to light up the room. As he shoveled papers around on his desk, his phone rang. He mumbled under his breath due to the intrusion, but left the papers and answered the phone anyway, "What is it?........ So the plan to infiltrate Coulson's team worked?....... I see agent Ward, what about the intel we need on him?........ And the girl?....... So you don't have anything?....... Agent Ward, do I need to remind you what happens when Agents fail their missions?....... Good, now get me what I want or you will end up like your friend, Understood!!!?" and with that, the phone was neatly placed back where it belonged. "Agent Green!?" a few moments later the door opened, another man wherein a black business suit stepping inside, coming to a stop in front of the desk, and taking a military stand. "You ordered for me sir?" the unknown man sat back in his chair as he folded his hands on the table in front of him, "Yes, Agent Green. It seems Agent Ward is having some trouble completing his mission. Take this folder..." the man used his thumb to slide a folder over the desk, which Agent Green picked up, returning to his military stance. "Find that girl by any means necessary, understood?" he waited for the Agent to respond before dismissing him. "Oh, and Agent Green..." Green turned around to face the man as he sat forward in his chair, "Failure to complete will not be tolerated. If you must, call in the mercenary, but be discreet. Now dismissed!" Green practically jogged out of the room as the man went back to the papers on his desk.

Avenger Tower

It was around 8 am when Clint, Steve, Natasha, and Bruce made their way towards the dining room to grab breakfast. "You think Tony is still up or sleeping?" Steve asked just as they entered the dining room, the subject of Steve's question sitting by the table having cereal and working on his tablet at the same time. The 4 members stopped in their tracks as they stared at Tony. Bruce cleared his throat, making Tony look up and smile at the man, "Banner, good morning fellow scientist" Natasha smiled as Clint chuckled, "I want whatever he is on" Steve shook his head at Clint as Bruce took a step forward, "Tony, how many times am I going to have to lecture you about pulling all-nighters?" Tony shook his head as he stood up, walking towards Bruce and placing his hands on the man's shoulders, "I wasn't up all night. In fact, I called it early. Fell asleep the second time around midnight and slept like a baby" Tony patted him on the shoulder and returned to his seat, pouring more cereal and milk into his bowl. "Second time?" Clint questioned as he moved to the opposite side of the table, not liking sitting with his back towards the door, not even at home. Tony shrugged, "Nightmares. I woke up with Skye in my room. She didn't want to sleep alone so I told her she could stay in my room." Steve sighed as he 2 took a seat at the table, "poor kids never going to catch a break" Tony winced a little, still feeling guilty, "Actually Rogers, I woke her up with my nightmare. It's why I left her sleeping when I woke up." Everyone but Clint was now staring at Tony, Steve giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder letting him know it was fine. Clint smiled as he looked at Skye, standing in the doorway unnoticed by anyone. Her hair was a mess, she was still wearing her PJ's, and her shoulders were slouched, eyes drooping as they scanned the room. "Morning Skye" Clint stated, turning everyone's attention towards the door where Skye stood. Skye looked up at Clint and gave him a small smile and a wave, as she said morning to everyone, but stayed where she was. Every time she had gone into the dining room someone had invited her, so she wasn't sure if she was allowed in now, so she stood there. Tony pulled out the seat next to him, giving her a small smile and a nod, inviting her to join them. Skye smiled at him in turn as she walked to the chair and took a seat, everyone now seated and ready for breakfast.

Throughout breakfast, which was mostly just cereal and porridge, everyone seemed to notice that Skye kept shifting around like she couldn't find a comfortable way to sit. She also didn't touch the fruit salad that Bruce had given her. "What's the matter kiddo" Clint finally asked her, wanting to know what was bothering her. Skye smiled at him as she shifted once again, "I think I bruised my tailbone when I fell last night" Bruce instantly looked up at her, "You fell? Where? Is anything else hurt?" Skye shook her head, "I'm fine, it's just a bruise" Tony slumped in his chair as he put his spoon down, "Sorry Skye." Skye just once again smiled at him and shook her head. "Are we missing something?" Clint asked looking confused at the two. Skye looked at Clint, "Nope, just fell on my butt" She continued to eat her cereal, hoping they would drop the topic, but no such luck. "Skye?" Natasha asked as Skye avoided their eyes. Tony softly tapped her arm so she would look up at him. He adored her for trying to protect him, but she didn't need to. He whispered a soft it's okay to her, but she didn't budge. Tony sighed as he looked up at the group, "Last night when I was having my nightmare, I woke up Skye. She came to check on me, discovered I was in the midst of a nightmare and tried to wake me up. In doing so I startled awake and in the process pushed her, causing her to fall" Skye looked at Tony, not quite sure what happened. Did he just tell everyone what had happened? Usually, adults wanted no one to know when they hurt her, accidental or not. Everyone now looked at Skye as she stared at Tony. "it's okay" Skye nodded and went back to eating, skipping the fruit salad. Throughout the rest of breakfast, everyone kept glancing at Skye to make sure she was ok after the incident with Tony. No one blamed him of course, but they had no way of knowing how she would react to being hurt even if it was just an accident. Skye ignored their stares, trying to finish eating as fast as possible so she could get out of there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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