"Your disgusting, Dash."

"I know." She replied, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Whatever, you just called in a bad time."

"Bad time? Its the perfect time!"

"Want me to end the call?"

"Uh no ma'am.."

"Good, now shut yer mouth and let me change." I said after placing my phone by its back to avoid Rainbow from seeing me.

"Oh come on! Turn the camera back to you!"

"Heck no!" I started as my cheeks suddenly turned red. "Why did you even call me?"

"Well Im just gonna ask you if your free today but I instead saw your amazing bo-"

Before she could even finish talking, I immediately ended our call. Finally wearing my bra after.

But not long after, she called again. So I just wore my black shirt and accepted it again.

"You gon' stop or what?" I asked while arching an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, okay just don't end the freaking call."

"I will you keep being such a perverted idiot!"

"Fine I wont, I was just shocked and all.."

"Wait.. Is your nose bleeding?"


"Show me your goddamn nose Dash."

"Ugh fine." She agreed before removing the tissue from her nose, only to show blood going down.

"Oh god what happened to you?!" I worriedly asked while picking up my face, filming myself to show her my reaction.

"I just punched myself-"


"Fine I got a nosebleed when I saw your body, happy now?"

"Now how the hell did that happened?"

"I don't know Apples, why don't you ask yourself that question."

"Tsk, Im ending the video call."

But before I could press the end button, she quickly grabbed her phone and faced her camera, still screaming at me.

"No wait!"

"What now?!"

"I just wanted to ask you a question." She said in a cute way, twiddling her fingers together in a nervous way which was somehow adorable for me.

"Oh god what is it?"

"Wanna grab a drink with me today? You know.. Without Rarity?"

"Cant." I replied, picking up my phone before walking out of my room.

"Cool! See you at- wait what?"

"I told ya I cant, I have a date with Rarity remember?"


"Well not exactly a date but its better than a play date. Let's just say a friendly and not romantic date."

"The f*ck?"

"Can you stop freaking out? I can treat you a drink some other time."

"No, no its not that.." She replied, showing me her slightly bothered look. "A play date with Rarity? Seriously? Just the two of you?"

"Yeah.. Is there a problem?"

"No! There's no problem at all." She cleared her throat. "Sooo.. What time are you going there?"

"Why do you wanna know?" I asked while putting my hair up in a pony tail style.

"No reason, just curios."


"I told you I just wanna know geez!"

"Fine, Im actually on my way now."

"Ohoh Great, thanks for the info." She chuckled after turning her camera off.

"You sound like your about to do somethin' stupid, what are you up to?"

"Teehee nothing. Bye Apples, see you soooon~"

"Rainbow you son of a b*tch what are you plann-"

Before I could even finish, she suddenly ended the call. Leaving me in pure confession.

"Well that was mighty weird of her." I chuckled after putting on my jacket, then my pants.

I know Dash is up to something, I can't just put my finger into it. Maybe that idiot is just pranking me, who knows.

After I shook my head to make me stop thinking about that Rainbow haired jerk, I clipped Rarity's diamond pin onto my hair, like what J do everyday.

"Right, I think Im ready." I said in confidence, walking out of my room to go visit Rarity in our so called Playdate.

As usual, I first gave my Granny my everyday kiss on her forehead before turning to my brother who was with her purple haired.. Girlfriend?

"Im goin' out Mac."

"To where? Want me to give ya a ride?" He asked worriedly, placing his arm around her lover.

"To my friend's place and no thanks."

"Just please be safe."

"No need to worry about me all the time Big Macintosh. Im old enough to take care of myself."

"Oh wait how old are you again?"

"For the 58th time, IM 18!"

"Oh I thought you were 9." He joked as her girlfriend joined in the laugh.

"Oh ha ha, Mac. Whatever, I'll be home by 6 or somethin'." i lastly said before continuing my way out.

"Just be safe!" Her girlfriend smiled while waiving her hand goodbye at me.

"I will, thanks Sugar belle."

As soon I got out of the house, I confidentially adjusted my father's hat, going into my running stance after.

I know Im not as athletic like Rainbow but just thinking about the fact that Im about to spend time with Rarity is making me feel even more excited.

"Im coming for you sugarcube.. Just you and me like before." I said to myself with a soft smile.

"I wonder what Rainbow's doin now?"

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