Not stealthy enough

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(Before Infinity War)
Hey guys credit to @30YearsMazeXRead
In this Peter is Tony's biological son.
Anyways enjoy.

'No means no.' Tony yelled tinkering with his suit.

'But Dad-' Peter whined.

'Go to your room or sit quietly over their or I'm calling your mom.' Tony threatened.

'Can I at least help with the suit?' Peter asked.

'You can't. Not after what happened last time.' Shuddering at the memory.

'It was an accident and it was one time.' Peter reasoned 'If you're not gonna let me help then please let me go on patrols.'

'Did Dr. Helen and Banner check on you already?' Tony asked.

'No.' Peter said crossing his arms.

'How about you go bug Barton with that whining of yours.' Tony said pushing Peter out of the room.

Instead of going to Clint, Peter had after plans. Peter went straight to his room and took out his computer. He hacked into F.R.I.D.A.Y and turned her off.

Then Peter changed into his Spidermen suit ignoring that his wounds hadn't healed from his last fight. Peter had taken a few cuts near the shoulder, A bullet almost hitting his heart, a stab wound in between his shoulder blades. Peter could have been an Avenger by now but Pepper and Tony said it was too dangerous especially after Peter got all those wounds while helping The Avengers fight HYDRA agents.

Peter jumped out the window and carefully got away from the tower without being seen by any of the avengers or his parents.


All the avengers including Pepper were sitting in the lounge area of the tower. Pepper was going through some files on her Stark pad. Clint had his nose in a book. Natasha was talking to Bruce. Tony was siting on the couch with Steve.

Steve was watching the news when the reporter started talking about a special report, that they just caught Spiderman in action.

The reporter switched their screen to a video of Spiderman.

Spiderman jumped out of a flaming building holding a little girl about 5 years old in his hands. Spiderman put the girl down on the ground kneeling on one knee and started coughing really badly. 'You ok?' Spiderman asked the little girl.

The girl nodded in response too awestruck at the presence of Spiderman to say anything. Spiderman got up and started coughing again and flinched when he accidentally touched the spot where he had been hit by a bullet.

All the reporters started to swarm around Spiderman shouting questions. Spiderman covered his ears and quickly sprang upwards without answering any questions. 'Sorry guys, got another spider emergency.

'F.R.I.D.A.Y is Peter in his room?' Tony asked the AI. Not able to believe the news.

F.R.I.D.A.Y didn't respond. 'Fri I asked if Peters in is room.' Still no response.

'I'll go check on him.' Pepper said getting up.

'I'll go see what's wrong with Fri.' Tony said.

Pepper made her way to Peters room. Peter wasn't their. Just at the moment F.R.I.D.A.Y started up again.

'F.R.I.D.A.Y where's Peter?' Pepper asked anger rising.

'I was turned off a few moments after Peter entered his room.' F.R.I.D.A.Y recalled.

Pepper made her way back to the lounge. 'I think he turned off F.R.I.D.A.Y to sneak off.'

'He definitely did.' Tony said appearing behind her. 'Just wait till he comes back. I'll make sure to take that suit away.'


Peter swinged in through the window and quickly took a shower to get rid of the smell of smoke.

Peter prayed that no one had seen the news today or that any of those people had uploaded videos on social media.

Peter went out of his room trying to act natural. He made his way to the kitchen counter an poured himself a glass of water.

'Peter Stark Where the hell were you?' Pepper shouted spotting him.

Had she gone to his room while he was gone. 'I was taking a shower.' Peter said lamely.

'Peter.' Pepper said in a warning tone.

'Who did that then?' Nat asked pointing to peters arm.

'No one. I was........' Peter trialed off not sure what he could say. Peter was really astonished by the fact that Nat had figured out he had gotten a slight cut by one of the thugs he had dealt with before the fire scenario. He couldn't say he was working on the lab and cut himself cause he just said that he was in the shower.

'I'll be taking away that suit of yours.' Tony said crossing his arms and putting on the look of disappointment, which for some reason killed Peter.

'But dad I—' Peter started.

'No buts. Get checked by Dr.Helen and you're not leaving Tony or my side for the rest of the week or until Helen and Bruce say that you can go out patrolling.' Pepper said giving the death stare that made Peter shrink.

'Yes mom.' Peter said feeling as if all of his will power had been evaporated.

For the rest of the month Peter spent his time in meetings with his parents.

Hey guys so let me know what you think.
Vote if you want to and leave me some ideas to check out.

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