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(Before Infinity War)
MJ knows Peter's secret and Peter is adopted by Tony and Pepper. Btw I decided to change Flash's personality a bit. Anyways Enjoy.

Peter tried pressurising the wound to decrease the blood loss. Peter saw the fear in the boys eyes so he placed a web on his wound to decrease the bleeding and approached the boy.

'Hey. You're okay. Everything's gonna be okay.' Peter reassured. When Peter saw the boy clearly he couldn't believe his eyes. It was Flash.

'Okay!? You got stabbed because of me.' Flash said still panicking.

'Well that happens way more then you think.' Peter said with a chuckle trying to reassure him, that he was fine.

When Peter felt Flash was calmer he spoke to his AI 'Karen! Get me dad.' Peter ordered.

'You're parents are currently in a meeting.' Karen replied.

'Interrupt them.' Peter shouted.

'I can't do that Peter and Friday won't let me either.' Karen replied.

Peter growled in anger. 'Call Happy or May.'

'Miss Parker is at work assisted by Happy Hogans.' Karen responded.

Peter decided to just swing back to the tower on his own. He started feeling dizzy all of a sudden and used the wall for support. Peter turned to face Flash who was Panicking more now.

'Listen Flash. I need you to do me a favour. I'm loosing way too much blood and I won't be able to swing to the tower on my own so I need your help.' Peter said trying to calm down Flash.

'Wait how do you know my name?' Flash asked.

'Err... never mind that. Will you help me?' Peter said trying to change the topic. He couldn't let Flash find out. Flash nodded.

Once they reached the tower and they both got into an elevator. Peter was glad Tony had informed all workers to not stop him when he came to the tower both as Spiderman or Peter Parker-Stark.

'Friday can you inform Dr.Helen.' Peter said but it was more of an order then a question.

'Of course, Peter. I've informed Dr.Helen of your injuries.' Friday answered.

Peter facepalmed. Flash stared wide eyed. Peter had no choice, as much as he wanted Flash to think that it's another Peter, he knew the evidence was against him

Peter ripped off his mask and started rambling. 'Flash please don't tell anyone. If you tell anyone then their gonna start telling other people too and then the whole world will find out I'm Spiderman and then bad guys will find out I'm Spiderman too and they might hurt my friends and family and I can't let that happen so please Flash.'

Flash nodded just as Friday announced that they had approached the floor Peter had requested to be at.

Peter had decided to let Pepper and Tony know of the situation before heading to Dr.Helen, but the moment Peter stepped out of the elevator. His head started spinning at its top and Peter fell unconscious.

Flash didn't know what to do 'Miss Friday? Could you get help please?' Flash said as he saw no one nearby.

'I've already contacted Dr.Helen but I am unable to get through to Mr.Stark as I am not allowed to interrupt meetings.' Friday answered.

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