Offically Stark

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(After Endgame and before Spiderman Far From Home)

It had been only few seconds since Peter was officially adopted by the Stark family. Tony led Peter to the car covering him from the reporters who wanted to know about him.

Peter was quiet the whole ride to the hut. Tony let the boy cry into his chest all the way. It wasn't peters fault that his only family was gone. May had been sick for a few days and had been at the hospital until a few hours ago she died.

The thought to have to live elsewhere didn't bother Peter a bit because he literally lived with the Avengers but loosing May was a huge thing. When they reached the little hut where the Starks lived at during, 'The Blip', the only thing that made Peter smile was when Morgan jumped at Peter and asked Tony 'Is he my new big brother?' Peter smiled at the enthusiastic 5 year old.

'Hey Peter.' Pepper said emerging from one of the rooms.

'Hey mom.' Peter had gotten use to calling Tony 'Dad' and Pepper 'Mom' when he spent time with the Avengers or went for sleep overs at the compound.

Pepper gave Peter a hug and ushered him to the couch. 'How about you take some time to settle in while Tony and I get some stuff done.' Pepper asked making her way to Tony and placing a small kiss on her husbands cheek.

Peter shrugged and jumped onto the ceiling. He lay upside down on it 'Can I help out?' Tony shock his head in response.

'It's grownup stuff.' It was partially true, Tony and Pepper had to sign some paper so they could buy Avengers tower again. They were moving back so it was easier for Peter to go to school. Peter wouldn't appreciate this so Tony had to come up with a lie.

'How about you look after Morgan if you want while Happy takes a break.' Tony offered. Peter nodded.
                                   Time Skip

Peter went to school two days after they moved back to the Avengers tower. Peters day had been a whole different thing then usual just like he expected. As soon as Peter reached school their were reporters all over him. Though the rest of the school day wasn't any pleasant. Peter found it super weird that suddenly from a nobody he was the most popular boy at school. The annoying part was that everyone was trying to become Peters friend now, except for Flash who thought this was all a set up.

After classes Flash showed up being the normal bully. 'Listen carefully Penis if Tony Stark really did adopt you your going to get me an internship at SI.'

'I don't think dad just takes anyone I tell him to. Besides he won't listen to me anyways.' Peter lied. Flash signalled his friends to push Peter against a locker and hold him while Flash punched him in the gut.

'You will get me that internship or else I'll make sure your life is hell.' Flash threatened.

'Like it isn't already.' Peter murmured.

'What was that Penis?' Flash asked.

'Nothing. I'll ask.' Peter replied trying to get the grip of Flashes friends loose without using his super strength.

'Good.' Flash nodded for his friends to let go of Peter

Peter exited the private elevator leading to the lounge. Pepper was sitting on the couch reading a magazine while Morgan was no where in site, Tony was probably in one of his private labs, Peter assumed.

'Hey, Peter How was school?' Pepper greeted looking up from her magazine. Peter walked up to her and placed a kiss on her cheek and replied with a casual Hey.

'School was fine if you don't count the fact that everyone was trying to be my friend though I won't be really counting on them like friends do, and obviously Ned freaked out when he saw me.' Peter dropped his bag.

Peter jumped onto the couch and was about to take out his books to do his homework before patrolling with his dad when his spider senses alerted him of someone about to throw a water Balloon at him.

Peter jumped off the couch 'Hey dad, you do know I have a sixth sense that alerts me every time you do that.' Tony emerged from his hiding spot with a frown that his prank was unsuccessful.

Peter sat down when Morgan showed up wearing a Spiderman mask. 'Hey.' Tony said acting offended, 'I thought Ironman was your favourite?'

Morgan giggled 'It is.'

Peter snapped as if it just occurred to him that he had left his mask home and only taken the suit. 'Wait were you peeking in my room?' Peter asked playfully.

'No, my ball rolled in their and when I went to get it I found this on the floor. Are you the hero Spiderman who came to visit daddy a few days ago?' Morgan said through puppy eyes looking more innocent then she ever was.

'Yes, but you can't tell anyone or......' Peter started tickling the five year old making her squeal.

'Stop, daddy help.' The five year old screamed.

'Alright you two stop already. So what do you guys want for launch?' Pepper asked.

'Ice cream.' Tony and Morgan said unified making Peter and Pepper laugh hard.

'I'm not really sure going out to eat is the best option for Peter.' Pepper said reminding everyone about the reporters.

'Never mind them. I'm starving I'd go anywhere right now.' Peter objected.


The Starks were at a ice cream bar when a bunch of boy approached them. Peter didn't recognise them, until he did. He wanted to melt away.

'Hey Peter.' Flash greeted kindly.

Peter just nodded. 'So about our conversation did you ask?' Flash asked sounding ridiculously friendly.

'How about I ask right now?' Peter said shaking his head and calming down a bit. He was dying to see Flashes face when he got rejected and he couldn't hit Peter.

'OK.' Flash said.

Tony and Pepper were already confused about the conversation between the two boys.

'Dad so.....' Peter begun lamely 'any chance Flash could intern at SI? Ever since everyone found out about my internship a bunch of people have been asking me how I got in and Flash here wants to apply too.'

Tony didn't reply he just looked at Peter and then frowned 'He's not your friend that I know. Did May know about him?' Tony asked with a stern face.

Peter sank wishing that the ground swallow him whole but his behaviour only confirmed for Tony he hadn't. Tony turned to Flash 'Listen kid, if you so much as look at my kid I'll — make sure that I deal with you personally and — don't even think about applying as an intern at SI. I don't accept bullies at my company.'

'DAD. Just Stop.' Peter yelled over and over.
'Don't worry kiddo your in a lot of trouble too. Peter why don't you ever tell anyone about these kind of problems and don't tell me you were handling it.' Tony's expression became full of worry from enraged.

Peter thought it was best to just stay quiet but couldn't help but grin and tell Flash 'I told you he wouldn't.'

Afterwards Flash didn't bully Peter ever again and Peter got grounded from being Spiderman for a whole week until he would promise to always tell Tony and Pepper whats going on.

Hey guys so leave me some feedback and like I keep saying I'm open for requests cause I'm not planning on ending this book really soon.

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