Rogue Avengers and Panic Attacks

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(Before Infinity War)

Peter is on a class trip. He had a weird felling all day long, even though he's Spider senses weren't active.

Peter along with his class were sitting in the conference room where the Q and A was suppose to take place when Friday spoke up 'Mrs Potts, Boss seems to be having a panic attack.'

Pepper and Peter both quickly said 'Where is he?'

'Mr.Stark was last seen in his lab.' Friday responded.

Pepper and Peter quickly rushed out of the room leaving everyone puzzled. Peter quickly ran towards the stairs.

As soon as he entered the lab, he saw The Rogue Avengers. What the hell are they doing here? Peter ignored them and rushed to Tony's side.

'Dad. I'm here. Please try to match my breathing.' Peter said quickly just as Pepper rushed in.

The Rogue Avengers just stared at the three. Once Pepper and Peter managed to calm down Tony. Peter snapped at the Rogue Avengers.

'Do you seriously think you can just barge in and give Mr.Stark a Panic attack. Who the hell do you think you are?' Peter shouted.

'I don't know who you are young man but you need to be taught some manners.' Captain America said strictly

'Great. The Captain America is going to teach ME manners not to mention HE almost killed his friend.' Peter said his tone full of sarcasm. He couldn't hold in any emotions when it came to Tony.

'Who the hell is this kid?' Sam asked directing the question to Tony.

'He's my intern.' Tony answered emotionlessly.

'Then why did he call you dad the second he came in.' Natasha asked.

Tony felt a serge of pride 'I'm his father figure.'

The Rogue Gawked. Of course it was unbelievable that a drunk playboy becomes a father figure but Tony had changed since he met Peter.

'No wonder he's so ill mannered.' Cap finally spoke up.

'If you say one more thing about Dad, I'm gonna kick your ass in combat.' Peter threatened.

'Yeah right like a 13 year old kid can fight a super solider.' Clint spoke up.

'I'm 15.' Peter said angrily 'And you'd be surprised at what I can do.'

'Kid stand down. You're not fighting Capsicles or you're grounded.' Tony quickly chimed in.

'I can live with no spidey for a while besides I've been thinking of taking a break.' Peter smiled. Tony sighed in defeat and looked at Pepper for help.

'I'm allowing it.' Pepper said smiling as well.

They all headed to the training room. Steve and Peter both got into a fighting stance. Peter let Steve make the first move. He caught the fist with ease. Peter pushed Steve's fist back and jumped onto his shoulder making Steve loose his balance.

'Wow that was easier then last time.' Peter said.

Steve quickly got back on his feet sending a series of punches which Peter dodged, thanks to his Spider senses.

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