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This book includes dark topics such as suicidal thoughts and actions depression anxiety mental illness violence swearing trauma and abuse

Please if these subjects upset you or will trigger you do not read further do whats best for your mental state Love yah don't put yourself through this if it will hurt you love you :)

Azula's POV

It's cold

So cold I can see my breath in front of me like small puffs of smoke

My thighs itch but I can't scratch them with my binded arms leaving me to rub my legs together for warmth

They do this to keep me from fire bending and they Drop the temperature for every time I act up

I see there smirks when they see me tied up and shivering as they slide my tasteless meals over to me

They injoy every second of watching me suffer I wish I could burn there stupid smug  face's

They call it a hospital but I'm not healing I'm just tired and angry at everything The food is bland and the pills make me feel weak

if it was a prison I would have taken over by now but here all eyes are on me all the time so, no fun for me I geuss.

three pills every morning and night to stop the hallucinations and make me easier to deal with

It's pitiful to see what I've become,
I used be be a general a warrior I conquered ba sing se in the name of my father and this is the thanks I get

How did I go from hero of the fire nation to its number one most dangerous criminal
I didn't even change sides not like those traitorous so called freinds of mine

I fought against my straight jacket and I felt the drop in temperature they get so nervous around me, I'd find it flattering if they didn't make it so damn cold

I should have killed my mother when I had the chance
maybe if I burned her she would have felt a quarter of what she put me through
No matter how much I think it over I can't find any good reason and I've had plenty of time to think while stuck here.
Why was I not good enough for her I was a princess a master class fighter in multible forms of martial arts and a skilled bender and that wasn't enough for her

It was enough for father, why not her?

She loves this new child of hers so much, how many fighting styles has Kiyi mastered, none yet she's her perfect little girl

I was perfect and then- and then she made my freinds betray me and ruined my mind

she torments me in my own head whispering lies that wretched women I wish I could just take her out of my thoughts but she stays there permanently like a spirit haunting me.

I can hear footsteps down the hallway and look up at the clock 4:00 punctual as always

Amasi My Therapist walked in and smiled she undoes my straight jacket which I am quite sure she's not supposed to do.

I stretched out my arms popping my knuckles and twisting my back until it cracks with a satisfying pop.

She hands me my pills and cup of water and I sit down on the small red sofa I only get to sit in while she's here.

I used to refuse to take them they had to force me to swallow my meds or put them inside my food, after a while I realized it was a pointless struggle

she was the only person who dared to even enter my room, not that I blame them the nurses learned not to talk to me after a few burns

I guess she trusted that I wouldn't burn her

Azula Flickering HopeWhere stories live. Discover now