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There stood the nomu, tanking Midoriya's smash. Unscathed as it was protecting Shigaraki. Midoriya was shocked his punched didn't even hurt him. Then he recalled what Asui said about them having a way to kill All-Might.

Shigaraki: "You move well. Your 'Smash'-- Are you a follower of All-Might's."

Shigaraki: "Oh well. I'm done with you."

The nomu grabbed Midoriya's arm. Its other arm was raised ready to smush him. Asui used her tongue trying to catch Midoriya. While Shigaraki reached for Vanoss and Mineta. Vanoss used himself as a shield for Mineta and Asui.

Then a rocket was flying at the nomu. It sensed it and immediately put it's a hand up to block it. Terroriser teleported behind Shigaraki yanking him by the neck. Tossing him away. Nomu then swung for Terroriser but was blocked by Wildcat.

Basically flung many swords at the nomu. Making them stick to its backside. It screeched loudly.

Wildcat: "No one messes with our friend you brain dead moron." Punching it so hard it was pushed back a little.

Vanoss: "Finally you guys." He said relief.

Terroriser: "This fights not over." Scanning the nomu.

Basically: "This bird-headed btch is still standing."

Vanoss: "Wheres the rest?"

Wildcat: "They're coming. In the meantime, let's have some fun."

Basically: "Moos got support."

Moo, in a flash, went to the children. Picking them and Aizawa to safety. He then bandages up Aizawa.

The nomu rushed towards Wildcat. Not before getting its legs cut by Basically. Falling down, Wildcat jumped and plunged downwards. Cracking the ground below them.

Nomu grabbed him and slammed him to the ground. Terroriser used his personal minigun. Firing at the nomu, while making Arnold noises. Vanoss went in from above. Throwing three bombs to distract it. It swung its fist at Vanoss. He put his arms up, taking the full force. Basically went up behind him. Thrusting a great sword in it's back.

Wildcat was now pissed. Spitting out a few pieces of rubble. He ran at the nomu. Elbowing with his left, then uppercutting his chin. Nomu quickly grabbed Basically and used him to hit Wildcat. Both were thrown away.

Shigaraki: 'These guys just don't give up. But it wouldn't matter. In time nomu will kill them.' He thought while watching the fight.

Vanoss, Terroriser, and Moo stood there. The nomu in a flash crushed his minigun and punched Terroriser the stomach. But Terroriser caught his fist just in time. Moo took out a shotgun and shot its face. Vanoss went for the punch in the gut. Going for the ribs, nomu swatted away Vanoss. Vanoss rolled away but ended up back on his feet.

Terroriser got a hook in the face and his head ended up in the ground. Even though it's bigger, Moo had no problem dodging. Moo was punching as hard as he can. The nomu kicked him back. Moo slid on his feet and then falling on his knees. His healing aspect healed him pretty quickly. He was ready again. Nomu was about to rush again but something was happening behind him.

Wildcat and Basically we're furious. Wildcat radiated red like smoke. Basically radiated a purple aura. They both rushed the nomu. Both sending a flurry of punches. Each made at least 270 punches in quick succession.

Basically: "Did we get him?" Breathing heavily.

Wildcat: "I don't know." Hoping they did. Steam emitted from his arms.

The dust cleared and it was still standing. It had its arms up. The boys were now thinking they might have to get serious. Looking at each other for confirmation. They were about the go into full rage mode.

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