The incident

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(Y/n) p.o.v
"It happened when I was younger, I was barely learning how to fight by myself, everything was in secret from my brothers. I would do different exercises and roam around whenever I was left alone which was almost every time they both went hunting." You side glance at your brothers seeing them shake their heads in slight frustration. You chuckle a bit before continuing. 

"Then mating season happened during this time some males would catch my sent and try to make me their mate" the moment you say this Toothless makes a dark face not liking the sound of that. You and Stormfly both catch this and slightly smirk 

"of course my brothers would not let that happen and not because they hated the idea but because I told them I just wasn't interested in having a mate yet. And lets just say some of them where a pain" You say as Silvereyes chimes in with his own input 

"No kidding many of them where very persistent and didn't want to back off, right Firecracker?" Everyone turned to Firecracker who was still laying down and listening. 

"Yes specifically that Tide Glider who kept telling her to "give him a chance" and stuff I don't care to remember" Firecracker answers with an irritated tone not liking the Dragon at all. You laugh nervously remembering the memory.

"yah he was a tough opponent considering we where flying above the sea when he attacked us" Silvereyes stated remembering how it all happened. You smiled a little seeing how they had such memories still kind of fresh on their minds. 

"Well a few days after this incident I guess a certain male dragon had watched our routine and was smart enough to get me alone when my brothers went hunting"

Flashback told in (y/n) p.o.v

"Bye brothers bring back lots of fishy for me" you say giggling as your brothers go to find food for you to eat. You make your way up the mountain for a bit wanting to climb and explore. You where a tad more naïve at this age not thinking about what might hurt you when you lurk to far. You stop for a moment to inspect a rabbit hole, thinking whether you should dig in hopes to catch the rabbit in its den or let it be and lurk around some more. Until you suddenly could sense someone behind you. Without thinking you just blurted out 

"I know you are there, are you here to catch rabbits with me?" You say teasingly now looking up and turning around to face the hidden dragon. The other dragon chuckles with amusement slowly revealing himself. Surprisingly you where caught of guard, shocked in his deep soothing laugh and big figure. You felt your heart skip a beat seeing him as he tilted his head while looking at you. 

"I was just passing by when I saw you, I didn't know you where sensitive in hearing" he said with a smirk. Why was this dragon making you nervous you only just met him. He made his way over to you slowly and careful trying to give you some personal space. His whole demeanor and body language got to you. 

"Well you have to be on high alert when you live alone up here" you say with a sly smile while looking at his eyes. He showed a confusing expression then said 

"didn't you have two brothers with you?" only now realizing what he said making you smirk a bit at his comment. 

"How did you know I had two brothers with me?" You say with the same expression. He looks down a bit chuckling before lifting his head to look at you. 

"It embarrass me to say it but I've been waiting to meet you alone, so I can talk to you without much interference" you look at him with an understanding expression knowing that your brothers would not like you talking to a male dragon alone. 

"Well you have me alone now, what would you like to know?" I respond with a smile and sit up straight he looks at me with a smirk then asks

"would you mind taking a flight with me at night? ill be over by the huge waterfall waiting" he more like stated the last part than asked. He turns to walk away when I mutter out 

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