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(Y/N) P.O.V  

You made your way towards a body of water, walking mostly in a daze thinking about the wonderful night that you are about to share with Toothless. His green eyes are what you love about him the most, they display an innocent curiosity that you have yet to really see in anyone else. His little nick knacks always bring a smile to your face, such as his head tilts and little blushes that show up cutely. You are brought out of your thoughts as you hear a bit of splashing making you aware that there is someone else in the lake. Taking a note of your surroundings you remember that this is the same place you where found by Toothless and the gang. Many months have past since then, you find the memory very funny how you didn't trust anyone then and where very caution. As you reached the edge of the water you see Stormfly cleaning herself up in the water. You stop and observe her as she scrubs in-between her wings around her feet and in her face until you decide to speak up. 

"Well someone's getting ready for tonight" You smirk as you make your way into the water feeling the cool water in-between your paws. Stormfly makes her way out of the water while still looking at you.

"Obviously I am not the only one" Stormfly says as she shakes her body dry as she smiles brightly at you with understanding. You smile back as you start to clean yourself off shining your scales. 

"Are you excited?" you ask with eagerness as you swim around the lake wetting your whole body with water. 

"Of course I am, I've always wanted a mate to love and for us to take care of each other emotionally and physically. The thought of having someone understand you on a deeper level always seemed like a beautiful dream to me. But I never really found the right dragon, until your brother came around" She says with a thankful tone and hopeful look in her eyes. You look at her and swim closer to her with an understanding look.

"I'm glad you found a safe place within our family, I can finally have a sister" you chuckle as you get out of the water and shake yourself dry chuckling softly. Stromfly tries to shield herself from the water droplet with her wing. 

"I'm glad to have such a strong-willed sister" she says as she whips the water on her wing in your direction. You dodge the droplets of water swiftly with a laugh and nudge Stormfly cheerfully as you sigh peacefully.

"I am mostly worried about my oldest brother Firecracker" you tell her with a sadden expression. You sit next to her and lean against her as you close your eyes lost in thought.

"Is it because he has no mate?" She asks looking down at you with a curious look. "I thought he didn't mind being as he was" she states with an assuring look.

"Yah but he always had us with him and I don't know how he will be once his 2 siblings have a mate" you say as you get up turning to leave. Stormfly gets up as well making her way back following you.

"Relax It is not like you both are going to walk out of his life, you are still going to be with him" Stormfly said with a knowing smile. 

"I guess your right, he has his own life and who am I too tell him how to live it" you say with a skip as you make your way towards the direction toothless should be waiting for you. 

"Okay I'll see you in a few day's, I'll tell you all the details then" Stormfly says with a wink as she start to spread her wings to fly towards the direction of your brother. 

You turn your head towards her with a slight blush expressing your thoughts "ew no that's my brother" you see her fly off with a chuckle. You shake your head of these thoughts and go towards the direction you where originally headed. 

Toothless P.O.V

I was excited for this night the night where I would officially ask (y/n) to be my mate the thought brought excitement down his spine. I drew a bunch of lines on the floor like how I met Hiccup thinking it would be something special we could share. I then hear her wings flapping towards my direction in which I turn around, she lands a ways bit from me. The light of dawn reflects on her scales brightly and illuminates her eyes brightly. Her presence seemed to have stop time itself as I look at her, there was no need for words to be exchanged between us as we make eye contact. (Y/N) looks curiously at the ground with the lines as I stand up straight with an excited expression. She starts to make her way towards me careful not to step on the lines as she does so. I look at her in delight as she twist and turns in different directions so elegantly it seems like a dance. She backs herself towards me, her head nuzzles against my neck in a loving way having me let out a low purr in delight. We look at each other in the eyes again our breathing almost in sync, the slight movement causing us to lightly rub against each other, I love the warmth she emanates. I make my way towards the cliff, (y/n) following behind I am nervous but excited at the same time. Turning to face her I throw out a batch of fish I caught before she got here.

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