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Flashback (y/n) P.O.V
  I woke up to a loud roar of anger and fright, it belong to my father. I was tired from being woken up and tried adjusting my eyes to see the scene in front of me. My father was in front of me next to my mother along with my two older twin brothers. I followed my father's gaze to the thing he was looking at. I gasp and see two dragon hunters on full alert ready to attack if provoked, they were putting two rows of deadly night shade in the opening of our cave.

I get scared at the sudden scene in front of me and start to whimper, as soon as I did my brothers turned towards me and started comforting me. I then see the dragon hunters blow up the entrance of the cave keeping us trapped in here. I was so scared of the deadly night shade's aroma reaching our senses.  Deadly night shade is strong enough to slowly kills us by paralyzing our body's first then making your organs fail and stop functioning, eventually stopping your heart. I could already feel my body not working and I was getting very tired. I look at my father quickly digging and shooting fire at the rubble to create a small opening for us to escape. I could see that he was tired and tense using every bit of strength left in his system to just dig. With every breath he took he inhaled more of the flower's scent quicker and I could see him get weaker by the second. After a minute he lays down out of breath and I could see that he could no longer move his legs. He looked at my me then at my brothers, 

"Go, take your sister and leave through this small opening, it's big enough for you 3 to go..... But not us." I looked towards my mother with worry eyes not wanting to leave them behind. There should be something we can do to help them escape. My brothers then started to pick me up and take me away until my mom spoke. 

"Wait" It was so faint I could barely hear her. 

"Please live for us and don't have any resentments, live freely and always know that we love you, my little ones." This would be the last time I would see and hear both my parents speak to me. I wanted to stay so badly and say I love you to both of my parents, but I was so weak and paralyzed from the deadly night shades scent I couldn't move my jaw, the simple act of breathing was hard enough for me to do. With the last of my mother's strength she limped over to us and kissed us all, at our foreheads. My father did the same and looked at my older brothers saying 

"Take care of your younger sister and know that I love you all and am very proud." With that we were pushed through the small gap and into the outside.

I could finally breath fresh air and feel the dirt beneath me, it was soft and fresh. I wanted to move but my whole body was paralyzed. My brothers were now besides me and started to carry me. It was during this time that I noticed the flames around this whole Island the smoke was slowly surrounding the area. I was wondering why we didn't fly away until I saw that my brothers could not move their wings at all. Their wings were paralyzed, at that moment we could heard growls and screams. The fire was all over the place, there might have been many dragons affected by those dragon hunters who where now being consumed by these flames. My brothers started to run towards the shore hoping by the time we got there their wings would be able to move. We were very close, I could smell the salt radiate from the sea. But then in that moment two dragon hunters came out from the bushes. They had nets and swords ready at hand to use. When I made eye contact with one the look in his eyes was a look of hunger for murder. I was frightened only being able to move my head. I looked at my Brothers wings to see that they were twitching. My two brothers then lunged at the two dragon hunters protecting me from harm. Seeing this unfold in front of me I feel myself being lifted of the ground and begin to be carried away. I moved my head to look at the one who was carrying me it was a young women. I started to feel fear of leaving my brothers behind and began to wimped and growl. The women turned her head towards me and says, 

"Ssssshhhh...its okay I'm going to help you." she begins to stroking my back with a calming hum helping me feel calm and relaxed. She takes me to the shore and sets me down gently, reaching for her pouch she takes out what seems to be a flower. She holds it in front of my mouth wanting to feed it to me it was a sparkly white flower that seemed to glow a bit.  

"Here it's called blue violet it's a special flower that cures any sickness, wounds, and poisons." I open my mouth and begin to chew on it, the flower had no particular taste similar to water but not exactly the same. 

"But it's difficult to find it only grows inside caves that has a natural waterfall directly at the moon at an angle." I start to gain control of my body when the women goes to the direction of my brothers. A few seconds later she comes back with both my brothers, I could see that they are happy to see me and run towards me. They seemed more energetic and I could tell that they had a bit of blue violet. We move to the shore and start to spread out our wings. But before we do we look back and bow out heads towards the women and I roar out a,

"Thank you." She smiles as I see her forest green eyes shine. I take a good look at her before we leave wanting to recognize her is we are to meet again one day. She wore her her brown hair in a long braid, her nose was small and her smile was quite charming.  She then runs to a dragon with 4 big wings and fly's away to save other dragons we could hear in the distant. Me and my brothers take off as we see my home being swallowed by flames leaving nothing behind. I see ships leave the island and hear shrieks and cries from our home. I start to cry out knowing that I lost my home and my parents. Wishing it was all a Nightmare.

Dragon's Heart (Toothlessxreader)Where stories live. Discover now