The Meeting

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I wake up startled, it's been a long time since that night. Now I'm living with my two overprotective twin brother's for good reason. I look at my surroundings and notice that they are nowhere around me which was rare. 

"Where could they be?" as soon as those words leave your mouth you then hear their paws coming up behind you. Turning around I see that they have a fresh catch of fish in their mouth.

"how's your wing doing?" one of them asks as he puts the fish down.

"It's fine, I just won't be able to move it fast for now, I'm sorry." I lower my head a bit in apology.

"Its fine we can rest here for a few days" my brother told me as he gets nears my wing licking it a bit.

"I even saw some sheep we could eat not far from here we can go and bring you some if you are still not full." My other brother said obviously excited to eat some sheep.

"Oh yes that would be great." I roared salivating at the thought of eating sheep. 

"Okay! you wait here sis we will come with some sheep later okay" my brother begins to flap his wings lifting himself off the ground.

"Thank you, I'll be waiting" 

"We won't be long" my other brother muzzle's the top of my head before leaving.

I lay my head down as I see them both go farther and father away. As soon as they are out of my eyesight I stand up and start to walk around exploring all my surroundings. 

"I love my brothers but they could be overprotective." I mumble to myself.

 Ever since the Incident my brothers have been very overprotective of me. Of course I'm very thankful of them and would not know what to do without them. But every time ever since I was younger maybe two years ago mating season started as it always starts every year some male dragons come after me wanting to mate. I don't seem interested in anyone right now so I always reject them but some don't take no for an answer. My brothers would protect me and fight the other males but one got injured and could not fly for four weeks. I felt absolutely bad that they would get hurt and not look for a mate because they were afraid to leave me unattended. I love my brothers with all my heart and would not want them to waste their lives worrying about me all the time. I really want them to enjoy themself doing something they always wanted to do. So ever since then I have been training hard on all my abilities.

I have been training on strength, speed, defense and attacking. I have been training every possible moment and have improved a lot. My brothers have noticed my improvement and have started challenging me in fights. We fight to see who is the strongest in the 3 of of us. At first I have started to lost the first rounds but then gradually started to win a lot more than what I lost. I can be as strong as an alpha and defeat multiple opponents at once. Because I'm a female I am a bit smaller then males and a bit slimmer. My fangs are a bit longer and sharper as well as my claws. I am as well faster at flying because of my size. I tend to overwork myself and get tired after training a lot, Once I landed somewhere dangerous. I accidentally ended in a home of slitherwings thankfully I only got out of there with a sprang wing. You could only imagen the expressions on my brothers when they found out. They of course love me and are taking care of me now.

Hiccups p.o.v
After a bit of training the group and me started parting ways and I was walking Astrid home. That's until we heard a roar, no more like roars. Toothless and Stormfly started looking around recognizing the roar. Then Astrid noticed as well 

"Is that what I think it is" she slowly turns towards me looking for confirmation,

"Yes, yes it is let's go." I responded and begin running towards the commotion. Upon reaching the noise we see two nightfurys that look like Toothless with different color eyes one had silver eyes and the other had (e/c) color eyes. Both dragons were carrying sheep in their mouths. I glanced at Toothless notice his expression of shock to see other nightfurys. I take a closer look at the two nightfurys and notice that they both have battle scars surrounding their body's. I then move closer to them saying ,

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