Chapter 19

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Renjun decided to take a walk to refresh himself up as he also though about going to the grocery store to buy himself something to eat since EunK was at work and she was going to get home late so he just decided to go back to his hotel room. He was going to stay in korea for a while so he could still visit her and probably meet Chenle.

He missed the dolphin laugh of his that used to be loud as it felt like he was almost loosing his hearing. But he also missed the cuddles the younger would give him when he needed it.

As he walked to the store and went in, he picked out what he wanted to have. And when he was done with that, he went to get himself a drink.

He looked down at his things to check if he had everything he wanted and he had forgotten his favorite chips. He went back and he noticed that the chips were on the top shelf.

"Great." He mumbled as he stood on his toes and tried to reach the small bag that also happened to be a little far back. He tried his best to grab it until he lost his balance and was headed straight towards the other bags. But he didn't collide.

"Gotcha." A voice was heard behind him as he felt arms around his waist and torso. He was pulled back on his feet. He somehow recognized it, but he couldn't figure out who.

He turned around and was met with a really familiar face. The person widened his eyes as he recognized the male in front of him.
"Renjun?" The male spoke.

Renjun felt a spark of happiness in him and he just wanted to hug him right away.
"Hi, Hyuckie." He smiled at him. He then felt the weight on his body.
"Oh my god, Renjun." Donghyuck hugged said. Renjun just hugged him back.

"Oh my god sis. I can't believe that we met here." He broke the hug and looked down at the small male. Renjun chuckled at him.
"Also, here." Donghyuck had something in his hand.
"Thanks sis." Renjun took the bag of chips Donghyuck gave him.

It was kinda awkward being in there just looking at the floor after that, until Donghyuck said "we should pay for our stuff before someone thinks that we're stealing" he chuckled.
"Yea, we should." And started to walk to the cashier and went out.

They decided to go to a place to sit so they could talk. They ended up at the Beach and sat down on a blanket Donghyuck was carrying randomly. They sat down in a kinda comfortable silence as they heard the waves.

"Sooooo.... how have you guys been?" Renjun was the first to ask.
"Good, but not really the same since you left. It kinda felt really empty. It felt like I was loosing my sis." Donghyuck said while looking up at the pastel blue sky. When he exhaled, the white smoke coming out of his mouth as the cold air was surrounding them.

"Hmmm. I didn't do it to hurt you. I was just, sad and upset because they just left me randomly and it still doesn't feel like they did as I always expect them to be by my side, but they're not. I tried to move on, but my heart isn't letting them go."

"Well, a few days after that when you moved, they actually panicked. They almost lost their minds because they then thought that 'shit, we messed up big time' and it looked like they were going to rip out their hair." Donghyuck looked at him and opened one of the bags of chips and started to eat from it.

"But they wanted you to understand that they were through some stuff at home cuz you knew that their parents didn't know they were gay or dating two people. And when they found out that their parents knew, they didn't know what to do at all. They also came to us if they really loved you more than a friend."

"They were thinking through it all and they went like this for day and night just to make sure that what they did was the right thing to do. They had gotten so close to each other with it all that they felt more attracted to each other and almost completely forgot about the other. But they were so stressed and scared that they almost didn't know what to do."

"I'm not saying that you should forgive them yet, but they tried their best to fix it all, but no matter what happened, it ended up tangled and messed up. And they were with each other so long to try to fix this that it just gave them more closure."

Renjun sat in his thoughts while drinking a small smoothie he bought. He didn't know about it all because they never told him.

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