Chapter 5

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Jeno's POV

"What?! Renjun?! As in Injun?! The Injun we used to know?!" Jaemin slightly shouted. We were all in shock.
"How?" I whispered. We all were staring at the Screen.

After the music video ended, we decided to go back home. I wanted to know more and I decided to search it up. And after a long walk home, we finally reached Chenle's house. We took off our shoes and jackets and walked in the living room. I plopped on the sofa and took my phone out. I searched For his name.

"Renjun" I wrote while mumbling his name. The results came right away and on the top of the search list were a pic of a guy and under the picture it stood some text, telling what he was. I clicked on it and the screen were full of pictures of him, the Renjun. I read the information about him and it Stood
"Huang Renjun is a famous Chinese idol in Korea." Was the first sentence I read. I looked a bit down to read.
"He debuted in March 2017 with his debut song 'Flashlights'".
"He's is known as the main character Zhang Wei in the Chinese drama series "Mystery Stone" I read out loud. The others started to look over my shoulder.

We sat on "Mystery Stone" and We saw Renjun a lot. He is the main character and he was really good at acting. We only watched the first episode. I was impressed how he acted when he was sucked through a portal and the actress who played his mother screamed trying to catch him. Renjun cried, trying to catch his "mother's hands", but he got sucked into The portal and disappeared. He found himself laying on the ground in an another world or place.

We paused the episode and looked at each other.
"But where did he even go?" Jisung asked. "Didn't you guys break up like five years ago?"
"We did." I answered. It got quiet again and this time, a thick one. A really thick one. It was so thick, it was uncomfortable.

I immediately got on YouTube and searched "Huang Renjun". The searches popped up immediately and I swiped down a bit. I swiped down until a song with the name "when I loved the two".

I clicked without thinking and the intro started to show with Renjun at a beach. Two other guys were standing there too, holding hands, smiling at him. He was smiling while he ran. The camera was focused on him running, but when the camera focused on the guys, their smiles faded and they looked at each other. After that was when the song started.

We heard humming first, and then he began to sing. His voice was something that shocked us. We had only heard his humming before. We all sat there and stared at each other. Our mouths were agape, our eyes were wide. I looked at my phone again and Renjun were now crying while the two other guys just left him. Renjun then tried to run towards them, but they seemed to far away to be reached. I was watching his face while he was screaming out words, trying to get them to listen and to get them back. The song stopped, but the video was still on. We saw him stand there, his sobs were now filling the room and the audio.

"Why?" He said, kinda whispering. "Why are you leaving me like this?!" He screamed, gripping his hair. "What have I done?!"
"I knew it." He then said. "Nobody loves me except my parents. I at least have their support."
I stared shocked. His words were hurting. He then smiled while crying.
"I wish you two good luck with your relationship for the rest of your life. It's better when I'm not around. I hope you regret it in the future. I'll show you I'm not that weak." And the he walked the opposite way and then the rest of the song was playing. The song ended with him being on a stage.

He said "I wish you two good luck with your relationship for the rest of their lives." But did they really go through anything good after that?

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