Chapter 14

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Jeno's POV

When I came to our apartment door, I leaned my head on there of how tired I was before I went in. But when I took a step in to the small hallway, I heard sobbing from our bedroom.

I quickly threw my shoes off and carefully put the groceries before running towards the sound. When I came to the door, I found Jaemin sobbing on our bed, curled under the covers.

"Jaemin." I ran to him and picked him up. "Jaemin." I said his name once again in a whisper and removed the blanket from his face. I put his head on my chest while I rocked trying to calm him down.

I could feel him grip tightly on my hoodie and only sniffles and chocked sobs could be heard. "Jeno." His voice sounded almost like a whisper. I patted his back and stroke his hair.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"I miss him..... I want him back. I want to feel him again." Jaemin's voice was shaking as he was about to bawl again
"I know. I know." I whispered softly. "I do too."
"Why are we so useless? Why couldn't we just tell him the truth? Wouldn't it be a little better?" Jaemin hit my chest lightly as he cried.
"I don't know."

"Did we do the right thing, Nono? What if we told him the whole story? What would he say to it?" I could just hold him tightly as I felt my eyes watering.
"I don't know, Nana. I don't know." I kept repeating.

The only thing we could do then was to cry together over the pain. The scars on our bodies aching.


After a while, we calmed down, we cuddled closely and tightly together. Jaemin had the blanket still around him while sniffles were heard, but they were faint. I kissed his forehead and the burying my face in his hair, smelling the shampoo he had used.

"Do you feel better, Nana?" I asked him with a soothing voice. I didn't get an answer from his mouth, he just gave me a nod. I chuckled at how cute he was and kissed the top of his head.



"I'm not really tired, yet. Can we go for a little walk in the park?"

"It's already dark, though."

"So? I want to have some fresh air."

"Alright. But then you have to get out of the blanket." I chuckled
"Humph!" Jaemin scoffed cutely as he slowly got the blanket off him. We got up and headed to the door, taking on our shoes and jackets before walking out of the door. As soon we came out of the building, our breaths became smokey.

The cold air hit our skin as we walked trough the park. We looked around and found a bench and decided to sit down for a while. I felt Jaemin's head fall on my shoulder, holding my hand.

I then rested my head on his and we sat there looking out at the water.
"Remember when we came here with Junnie?" Jaemin asked me. I hummed in response. "Of course I do."

It was here we had our first kiss all together and where we started dating. After we broke up with him, we didn't think about him as much as we did now. It was like something was missing now. We used to be three, now we're two.

We never thought so much about it until now. I smiled a little as I thought about something. "Do you remember when Junnie fed the pigeons and when someone came running towards them, the pigeons flew away, but the scene was so beautiful that we thought that he came from a movie?" I chuckled at the memory.

Jaemin smiles and nodded.
"I do. He was so beautiful in that moment. Almost like a prince."
"He did." It was so beautiful, the surroundings around him started to shine. The sun shining in his dark eyes, making them a lighter brown.

"And when he got his Moomin plushie that we bought for him. His face was unforgettable. He looked like a child who just got a toy, despite him being older than us. And his height made it it even cuter." We both chuckled, thinking about it.

No ones POV

But what they didn't realize was that there was someone who heard their conversation two meters away in the dark.

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