Random draft 17

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Tsume's P.O.V

Why?Just why? Its already been two months since my mate rejected me and by that I mean yes I am a werewolf, or a type you can say. I am a rare vampire,fox, and werewolf hybrid. Though I look like a neko sorry to bring the news down on you, but I'm not. I can make myself look like a human because I am a vampire. Though if I want I can have just ears and tails and they happen to come out when I don't notice. When I am stressed, angry, frustrated, embarrassed,lovesick, or in pain my white fox ears and tail appear. So being calm is the only way to not show everyone.The school I happen to go too is quite accepting of 'Supernatural Creatures', but I happen to be the only one of my kind.Most see me as a werewolf or a vampire, but no one really knows because well I have no friends.Oh and by the way my name is Tsume Laurbridge.And before you ask I am part japanese and American, cool combination right? Well I look american though anyway I am 17 and I live with my uncle. I also have white hair and purple eyes and gold specks that surround my pupil, though I tend to hide my looks. Now back to what I was saying. You know how normally when you find your mate you normally pair with them, well in my case that didn't happen. Since I am part werewolf I do know I have a mate. But as a werewolf I am an Omega, but most don't know that unless you can smell it, but being part vampire normally covers up that scent. My mate is Trevor Aurton and I just happen to have more than one.Trevor Aurton,Treston Aurton,Tray Aurton, and Taylor Aurton, and yes they are all brothers, Lucky me! Notice my sarcasm. They happen to be the soon to be Alpha of their pack, and I may not be in their pack(, but rumours spread around this school quicky.I though have no interest in them, but when my head screamed mate all of the sudden I tried to ignore it all day until I smelt four wonderful fragrances each beautiful flower justs waiting to be smelled, so I could,'t help myself and I followed the smell thinking someone must have planted flowers a while ago and they must be blooming. Dumb of me right?I follow the smell leading to the brothers I look at them as their eyes grow wide and so do mine. I try to back away and end up tripping making me fall. I fall hitting my head on the floor, clumsy me, anyway the all look at eachother then look at me and then Trevor shaked his head.And he did, I feel pain flow over me. Reject! My wolf side screams. I fee my ears and tails come out, but I run I run as far as I can several people look at my ears and tail in confusion, but I run faster and faster till I end up in the woods. Itransform into my white fox and prance around trying to calm myself. I then smell roses real roses this time and find a huge batch of flowers. I let the smell intoxicate me and I carefully walk around and I walk around several flowers I find a small patch of grass in the center of all of these roses and I walk over to lay allowing the soft green paradise comfort me.I roll around in the grass till I feel someone watching me. I stand up and growl. I feel a growl return to me as I see four, no wait five wolves emerge from the forest. They all race to me like I am some lottery ticket that has tons of gold if you win. I easily doge all of them landing on ones back carefully jumping off him and them I transform in to my white wolf allowing us on well sorta even grounds.I have more experience in battle than all of these wolves combined could possible have. As a vampire I am Immortal, but I die like a normal human but I am always reborn remembering all of my previous lives and lets say I have been in several wars some in which I lost family. I look at them as they at me in disgustI know what their thinking 'Hybrid' for some this word in an insult, but I take pride in it. I smile casually prance towards them bowing the try to take a motive to strike, but I move too fast and before they even begin to realize it I have already escaped.. I transform into my normal form, no ears no tail I look human or in others a vampire. "What's wrong with them, lousy wolves, they can't even catch a simple fox and hey take so much pride in killing vampire's hah"! My fox laughs. But I think I knew who four of the wolves were. "Mates" My werewolf answers for me. I gulp and take a break heading back home having the normal discussion of what to eat with them. Each require certain foods, so that makes me have to have a balanced meal every day.

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