Random draft 3

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 The tea was splendid brewed to perfection. Soothing really with high amounts of sugar and milk. Creamy to my tongue, but still filled with a tingly sensation.

"Is the tea to your liking sir"?

"Indeed it is".

His Majesty's butler was one to talk, almost new to the job. If I truly despised the tea I would have spoken up. A butler should know such things, but I guess you must start somewhere right? But the thing that really ruffled my feathers was his uniform. It was not matching the seal of his Majesty's. Strange.... I suspected such trifle from dealing with the affairs of His Majesty, but I never expected this to happen. An assasination plot? Gaining confidential information? Money?... Several different combinations of mystery to be solved oh how thrilling my job is.

"Sir would you like some of our specialty dessert"?

"I will pass".

Truly strange. His Majesty's arrival is quite late for someone known strictly of his earliest.

Every story begins somewhere just like every life starts with someone. There was a myth for the first Prince of Crestil. He had a younger brother. Three years younger to be exact. Of course no one knew if such details were true the kingdom always denied, but many maids spoke otherwise spreading rumors constantly. But many considered the maids to simply spout nonsense and since no one believed such tales. But of course the first prince had a younger brother, but he was tossed aside as unimportant. Once the first brother was born there was no need for another. So he was taught his origin, but his brother knew nothing of his existence. He was forced to be silent and was used as a right hand man for his brother. His name was Akira. No last name needed since they had a cover up story for him. Abandoned on the side of the kingdom left for dead till found by one of the maids. Kept inside the kingdom he was a servant till the king had appointed him as his son's 'helper'. So no last name was needed, because as his 'past' said he didn't have any. Of course none of this was true, but people were easily swayed. Since the first Prince was seven he had Akira by his side. The first prince named Asher was unable to go without Akira since then. With Akira by his side he grew to be a gentleman. A kind fellow to many maidens. But in truth he was magnificent. In each and every quality he excelled from muscly to stance. From chin to ear. He was perfect. But with Akira he was different, he got angry was sometimes selfish. He loves anything that is unique. But of course Asher couldn't always be around Akira. He had work to do and so did he. Along with marriage. No man should spend so much time with another man, it was deplorable. A woman on the other hand? It was praised. Asher's father had said several times friends are just pawns meant to be used according to your will, all you have to do is begin. Akira was slowly pushed aside as Asher was shown women apon women. And Asher became infatuated with them from the chest to their thIghs. One night stands soon became normal for Asher. Akira was soon forgotten. But he didn't mind as long as his brother was happy. Akira was forced to work night and day doing deeds no one else wanted. He was straining himself to the point a doctor was necessary, but forbidden. Akira quickly grew himself another personality. Someone completely different from him. He was strong and was willing to speak his mind. Akira would change personality when he was aline and sad or extremely angry. Many people were happy to see Akira away from their preciouscipus prince. Many women were envious of Akira for being so close to Asher.

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