Random draft 5

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Who cared at this point

I was alone and that's all that mattered

My family never paid attention to me

What would be the point of going back now?

But before we continue lets begin....


Life was normal as always, that was till my twin did something I could have never imagined.

Me and my twin were known to be close, and even though being complete opposites we knew what the other was dealing with.

Our parents born naturally talented were given privileges not many others received so they expected their kids to accomplish the same. They never married for love, they married for more fame. Asher was my father's name and Mary was my mothers. Asher had fair brown hair that complemented his tanned complexion and muscular look. Mary had red hair that used to be a more brighter color but over the years has faded to a more dimmer color.

Our grandparents died before we could ever meet them. Named Ann and John. Ann used to have red hair as well but not as bright as Mary's. John had natural blond hair but had turned to a darker grey.

Our uncle, unfortunately in an insane asylum. He was given an exceptional name known as Xerxes for our grandparents was rather thrilled to have a son to carry a Japanese name. He had dark black hair that matched his tanned complexion.

Our aunt was sent to jail when she had been founded with drugs. She was named Rose after grandma's favorite flower. She had platinum blond hair.

Our older brother, Christain. Known as dashing and talented. Our parents were quite excited from his many talents which brought them to even more fame and along with that money. He had dark brown hair and a more fair complexion that matched Mary's.

My twin Jace, somberly known to be extremely talented at math and dancing and is trying to grasp many more capabilities. He has a lighter brown and pale skin.

And lastly me, Ace. Unfortunately throughout this family with unique talents and wonderful looks, I never received any of that. I can sing and do art, but I have never tried to show it, because I wanted to live differently from the life I was sure to lead. I have white hair and have been diagnosed to have albinism and I have bright and light Hazel eyes. The public does not know of my existence since I have no special abilities and have a type of genetic condition. Though we have no idea who also has had Albinism in our family. My skin paler than several, I looked like a vampire really. Especially since my teeth were oddly shaped.

Now where were we?

Of course now I remember....

My twin was always loyal to me and as I was to him. Secrets were never a thing between us, but suddenly things changed. We no longer talked, texted, or hung out anymore. Then I asked why. And of course his reply wasn't instant. He walked away and as I tugged on his sweater he growled angrily.

'Off me you rat"!

His voice was low and angry. Soft enough to not cause warning to any possible people beside us. I was confused beyond belief on what was happening. At first I waited patiently for him to talk to me then I soon confronted him again. And this time he responded casually.

"You're a waste of my time along with our families. You hold no special talent and you have a disease. I have no reason to talk to you. You by far a piece of trash your worse". He says calmly.

"B-But why"?

"I should have listened to everyone a long time ago. Everyone told me to distance myself from you, but no I didn't listen. And now I realize what they meant. Your worthless, you can't do anything and you're hidden away from the world. Why spend so much time with someone that nobody knows.

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