Random draft 13

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   7:45 AM precisely, I then begin moving with caution of the traps to come.Though I do have to admit the criminal for this case is no killer, most likely a man being used. Though it is his fault for being so weak. Several trap patterns begin to show upon the floor. I jump over several of them with ease, almost like dancing one could say, but easier. I quickly come to a stop noticing a figure maybe 27ft away from me. Though my surroundings are dark I can make out his figure slightly, though he kinda looks like he's glowing, almost creepy I would say. I stand up straight and bow slightly just as an axe tries to swing past my head, but misses.

"Good Evening!" The man prowls. His figure moving toward me slowly. Though looking young his voice is somewhat deep.I stand up and lean left just as two knives pass by my side.

"I see you have made it this far! Well good luck sir I hope you enjoy your stay here!" He said happily and then as soon as he had come he disappeared.

"Goodbye Kind Sir."I whisper to myself. I begin to walk again heading down a narrowed path now. Though suddenly the hall opens up to what looks like a door. I pull on the door as it budges easily. Something still seems off though a feeling of unease fills me up. Suddenly my vision darkens and everything goes blank.

I wake up to the sound of screams I jump at first from my sudden awakening.

"HELP!" The screams yell. Suddenly liquid comes oozing into my 'cell' red as blood. Must have been the screaming ladies blood. I sigh realizing she's dead. I rest my head against the wall behind me. Was there a way to get out? I search the room for any sign of freedom.

"Hey you fellow what ya doing there"? Comes a grumpy man's voice.

"Trying to find a way out". I say plainly

"Oh really well good luck with that no one has ever escaped my cell before please be the first. It would make my entertainment much more exciting"!The man says eagerly.

"No problem, I'll do my best".I say plainly once again.

"Hey fellow what ya name"? He asks.

"I'm not too sure whether you should know or not". I say out of boredom.

"I like ya fellow I think I'll be amused for a while". He says happily.

"Well I'd like to be out of here sooner rather than later, I do have a life I must attend to". I say calmly.

Suddenly I hear a huge bang.

"Hey pip-squeak any new"?

"You know there is why don't you go over and meet him a lively fellow if I'd say so myself". The man says.

Small shuffles of feet come closer to my cell. A tall boy probably around the age of twenty stand before my bars.

"Hmm, definitely different doesn't look afraid at all.... Should we do something about that"? He asks me.

"I don't know, aren't you the boss here around this prison"? I ask him slowly tilting my head to him.

"Well aren't you just smart, well why don't we have some fun and maybe sooner or later you'll learn to hold your tongue and beg for your life". He says unlocking my cell.

"Or maybeI won't". I say walking out of the cell.

He tries to grab my arm, but I dodge it.

"Hmm smart and smooth I seem to like you already". He says smirking.

"Sorry sir, but frankly I am not into men". I say walking away heading to the stack of guns to my left.

He tries to grab me, but I move allowing him to fall to the floor.

"BITCH"!! He roars standing back up ready to lunge at me like some animal.

Suddenly he transforms into some sort of tiger, well a white tiger to be precise. How weird normally you never see a human turn into an animal.. Hmm what fun this is, if I ever had the chance to play with him I would have to accept the offer. 

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