Random draft 2

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This is a draft of HXH Fanfic the original story line belongs to the original owners I only own my characters and added moments or scenes.

The Hunter Exam was something everyone was looking forward to, everyone but me apparently.People apon people were inside this room to take this Hunter Exam. It was a crowded area, which I have never been fond of. I created myself a room though invisible to the naked eye, unless you used nen. Though inside the room you could see everything outside. I am a creator with the dark.And by that, I mean yes my nen revolves around dreams, nightmares and darkness. I could create objects I thought of.

My name in Akira. My age is 16 and I am a male I have black hair that down to my shoulders and covers my eyes. I have purple eyes and I never show them.I have many disorders, which sometimes makes me look insane, but I don't mind just being me. I also have trouble hearing, so unless people are really close to me I don't hear much of what they say. I have a small frame and thus easily forgotten in the background of many things.Though most who finally realize I am there never live to know who I am. I am a paid murder, an assassin another words. Though I don't like that name, so murder works for me. I am known as Shifter. Mainly because no one can see me thus believes I... well just shift to blend in I guess. Don't really know how I got the name to begin with.

A scream could be heard from outside of my room. I looked through my room figuring it out quickly. Red butterfly littered outside of my room while a mans screaming still rang in my ears. The sound was normal to me and nothing to be afraid of. Though the man who cut of his arms was someone to take notice in.I turned my attention away from outside and rested my head on my newly made couch. Suddenly the outside became quiet. Intrigued I sat up in time to see a man with a mustache. He seemed to be explaining some rules, I left the room and had it completely vanish. I tried listening, but sooo many people were whispering. Irritated I shushed them with my nen. I pulled invisible clothes around their mouths to shut them up. When all was finally silent he was done talking and began running. I pulled the cloths away from many mens mouth and began to run with him. His pace was easy to follow for me. I thought I was kinda floating around hiding behind him.I kept at that for a while until my legs needed to stretch so I began running still keeping at his pace. Many people by now had dropped out, barely noticeable, but I could tell because the warmth in the room was more or less colder than before.Suddenly two boys came charging up to me, or should I say the coming up exit. So I decided to play along and charge with them. I beat them without breaking a sweat.Then the boys began arguing over who was first not even noticing my presence until I tapped on the white hair child's shoulder.

"I was first". I said plainly as they jumped at the sudden voice that had interrupted them.

"How long have you been here"?The green haired boy asked.

"A little bit before you both came here. I saw you two charging to the exit, so I followed, but ended up going ahead of you". I said plainly.

Both of the boys looked astonished at my words, but didn't bother arguing about it.

Quickly more people had begun coming out of the exit slowly piling up the area. Many people had many different clothes and hair. In Terms it was like a freak show coming out of the exit. Two men did catch my eye though, one with needles in his head, kinda sketchy if I say so myself. And the other was clownish looking. If I was astonished about anything they guy used way too much gel for his hair, but I was curious I wanted to touch it. I carefully walked up to him, or should I say behind him and touched his hair. Though as soon as I did he turned around rather quickly. He looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"~Now what is it you need~?"He asked.

Though instead of answering I turned around and headed to the needle guy. Though I went beside him this time and touched his hair. Though instead of turning around fast like the other guy he just cranked his neck to me. Suddenly his hand went straight for my throat, thankfully I donged and jumped up on his arm and as he tried to grab me I jumped in the air and somersaulted away next to some bald looking ninja. Intrigued, I touched his head. It was smooth, like really smooth. Though he didn't seem to notice me like the others did. Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist. Without struggling I looked up to see the clown guy holding me.

"~Now be good and don't touch others' heads or their hair, it is rude you know~"? He asked.

I just looked at him, when next the exit we came out of seemed to be closing just as one man was about to make it.He looked like he was crying just when it was about to close. Though happily I moved my hand smoothly in a magic type way and pulled out his arm further with my nen. His arm was out enough to when the 'door' closed it landed on his arm.I smiled happily as his hand was cut off from him. Though the smell of his blood is what got me going. Suddenly the hand that was wrapped around my waist got tighter.

"~Now what a naughty boy, you know you shouldn't do that to people~" He said holding me closer to him.

I looked up at him boredly as he just smirked.Quickly I wiggled from his grasp and adjusted my black jacket and black pants. Suddenly another man came from the other side of the exit screaming and yelling jumbles of words.Though from the crowds sudden mood change I could tell it was important. The man then brought out a monkey man of some sort that had the face of the man that was leading us to where we were now. Out of nowhere the clown man threw cards at the man leading us. Though he was able to catch them, sadly. Though out of boredom I left the group, wandering from them as some fog had begun to show everywhere. This was a deadly forest and anybody could tell that. I continued wandering for a while and kept dodging many attacks from many strange animals. Suddenly I heard yelling, so I followed it to only see a man with a suit on who looked nearly in his thirties fighting the clown man. Happily I sat down and watched them fight, but the clown man was overall much more powerful than the other, so he ended up knocked out. A fishing pole was quickly cast in the clown's direction hitting him on the side cheek. It looked like it hurt from my point of view, but nothing compared to what I've been through. Though I happily intervened just and the green haired boy was getting choked by clown man. I quickly used my nen and was able to get the ground to rumble underneath them just as I let a wall cut between the two. An easy task it was, but clown man was surely mused by my tricks and was ready for war. So I locked him in a box and put the key in my hair as I went to see the green haired boy. He was slightly out, so I used my nen and dumped cold water on him then used some fire to warm him up as woke with start and was immediately ina fighting stance.

"It's over, so you can stop now". I said blankly at him. I then removed the clown from the box and took away the wall that separated them. I looked at the clowns face just as he went to go pick up the suit man. Suddenly I felt a tug on my sweater.

"My name is Gon"!!He said too brightly for my liking.

"You both have passed and by the way my name is Hisoka, and you best to not forget it". The clown said. Gon quickly left from my sight probably trying to find his way away from here, and I couldn't blame him.

"Need help to find your way back"? The man named Hisoka asked smirking, I nodded wondering what he was talking about, but found it best to not ask.

"Name please"? Hisoka asked as we had just began walking.

"None of your business". I replied back.

"Oh, how rude, well then I'll have to name you myself". He said smirking.

'And..."? I asked wondering what he would choose for me.

"Kyoki should be you name young one with an attitude like that you sure are insane to be around me in such a way". He said back confidently.

" Like you have much room to talk, I know your bloodlust is as bad as mine, so don't go around making jokes that apply to you". I say smirking this time.

He looked down at me smirking like a crazed pervert.

"Are you a pervert"? I asked him.

"HUH!? What in the world got you thinking that"?! He asked me rather quickly.

I looked at him for a moment before making a conclusion.He's definitely a pervert.

"So Kyoki what business do you have here"? He asked.

"And what does my business have to do with you"?

"Nothing of the sort just thought I should ask". He said as he shrugged

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