Diagon Ally A Second Time

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Tom got up the next day and put on his best clothes. A green button up shirt, grey pants and black tennis shoes.
He took a deep breath as someone knocked on the door. "I am ready!" He told himself, "I am-"
"Tommy lets go!" A voice interrupted.
"Coming!" Tom grabbed his things and opened the door. "Hi Hagrid!"
"Ey Tommy!" Hagrid replied. "Are ya ready teh go teh Diagon Alley?"
"Yes sir! Wait." Tom looked at Hagrid confused. "Did you just call me Tommy?"
Hagrid chuckled lightly "sure did."
They got to The Leaky Cauldron in no time, and Went through all the same stuff they did yesterday.
"Here we are!" Hagrid told Tom
The many shops were aligned just as Tom had seen them before.
"What we need first on yet list?" Hagrid kindly asked
"We need," Tom and Hagrid went through the whole list until it was time for two special last items. "Wand!" Tom gasped. "We get to have wands?"
"Oh Tommy! You have a lot to learn!" Hagrid chuckled "you get yer wand. I have somthin special fer you."
"REALLY?" Tom was very exited.
"Yes. A birthday present."
"Wow! I've never got birthday presents before!" Tom was even more excited than before.
Tom walked into the little shop that read olivanders.
He saw the back of a person. They had short grey hair and a brown jacket.
"Hello?" Tom said quietly, not wanting to disturb the person. "Hello." He said a little bit louder
The the person turned around revealing an old looking man with bushy grey eyebrows.
"Hello!" The man replied.
"Who are You?" Tom asked.
"Well I'm Olivander!" Olivander told cheerfully "You must be here for a wand!"
"Well...yes. I am."
"Here try this one. 13½" long, crafted from yew, and affixed with a phoenix feather core."
"What?" Tom was as confused as he had ever been.
"It's what the wand is made out of!"
"Umm ok." Tom Just went with that, even though he had no clue what Olivander was talking about.
Just then a girl with brown eyes, medium length brown pigtails,  light purple circular glasses, and acne walked in.
"Hello." She said kind of sad.
"What's wrong with you?" Tom asked pointing the wand at her.
"Don't put a spell on me." She teased.
"You think me? Put a spell on you?"
"Ahem!" Olivander interrupted the conversation "hate to break the romance! Boy rais your wand."
"My names Tom! And okey." Tom raised his wand, and books, wands, and papers started circling and flying around him. Wow he thought.
"Perfect wand for you." Olivander replied.
"So what's your name?" Tom asked the girl.
"Myrtle Elizabeth Warren." She told him extending her arm for him to shake.
"I'm Tom." Tom said taking her hand in his, but instead of shaking it, he threw her to the ground "good luck at hogwarts Myrtle Elizabeth Warren!"
He walked out of Olivanders seeing Hagrid with a circular cage looking thing with a blanket over it. Hagrid removed the blanket revealing,

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