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Tom Riddle woke up that morning In Wools Orphanage. Another long day he though to himself. Tom had been living at Wools Orphanage for eleven years, and today was his eleventh birthday, what could go wrong? A knock and Tom was crouched down right in front of the door in case it was one of the kids trying to fight him.  People always wanted to fight him. It was just Mrs. Cole phew.
"Tom you have company." She told him
In stepped a man with a small brown beard and brown hair, and very pretty blue eyes.
"Who would want to come visit me?" Tom asked
"Me," the man said back "I am Dumbledore the professer of Transfiguration at Hogwarts."
"I shall be off then" Mrs. Cole left the small room.
"Who are you and why are you here," Tom replied looking up at Dumbledore.
"Oh I think I told you." Dumbledore stared Tom right in the eyes, "Tom, you are a wizard,"
"I'm not a wizard. Get out before I do-" Tom got cut off.
"You can do things, can't you Tom?"
"I can make things move without touching them." Tom said unsure. "I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me! I can make them hurt if I want! Who are you really?" Tom looked around the room before settling back on Dumbledore's eyes.
"Oh I'm like you Tom, I'm different."
"Prove it!" Tom put his hands on his hips.
Dumbledore sat down on the chair next to Toms wardrobe, still staring at Tom, the whole wardrobe caught fire. "I think there's something in your wardrobe trying to get out Tom." Dumbledore stated.
Tom opened the wardrobe and pulled out a tiny box from inside, then, the wardrobe reverted back to its normal self. Tom set the box on the table and opened it. There was a little mechanical thingy inside. He pulled it out and set it on the  table.
"Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts son." Dumbledore said, "at Hogwarts, you'll be taught not only how to use magic, but how to control it. You understand me?" Dumbledore started walking towards the door.
"I can speak to snakes too," Tom finally explained.
Dumbledore turned around and Tom stared into his eyes again.
"they find me, whisper things. Is that normal for someone like me?" He asked
"No only certain people can do that, your lucky I guess." Dumbledore left dropping a little envelope on the ground that read "Hogwarts, Wools Orphanage, Tiny bedroom,"

Tom Riddle The LifeWhere stories live. Discover now