Sally Mae?

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Tom lay in his room that night. His door open. Repeating what Mrs. Cole would tell him, "my name is Tom Riddle.  I live at Wools Orphanage. I have a kind caretaker named, Mrs. Cole. The other kids may not like me, but that's okey. Someday I will get adopted." Changing the words a little. "My name is Tom Riddle. I live at Wools Orphanage, but soon I'll be going to Hogwarts. I have a friend named Hagrid, who is going to take me to get all my supplies tomorrow. I feel I've already gotten adopted."
"Tommy, I see you haven't gotten adopted! Does that mean that man doesn't like you anymore?  Hahaha." Said a girl outside his door. It was SallyMae. A red head, with freckles, big blue eyes, and one big unibrow right on her forehead. She was wearing a long blue dress with pink flowers.
"Go away SallyMae. I don't want to see you." Tom replied.
"Well it's kinda good he didn't want you Tommy!"
"Because now you can stay with me! Say, what did you do with that old man all day?"
"He's not an old man! He's Hagrid. And why do you want to know?"
"Because, I'm part of your life!"
"No your not!" Tom huffed. "I don't even like you"
"Hah you'll come to your senses! Just you wait." She laughed, then ran out the door.
"Well that didn't go according to plan." Tom curled his hair lightly with his index finger. After five minutes, Tom finally picked up the book he had been reading. Tom liked to read, because it took him away from reality where everyone was mean. It brought him to his world of make believe. He started to read.
"George can you get the mail?" Candy said.
"I'm sorry Candy. I want you to do it! If your a servent you do it!" George lightly press the bridge of his nose.
I know how you feel Candy! me too. He thought. He got back into the book.
"Candle GET ME MY MAIL!!!" George looked distressed for Candy was disobeying him.
Tom always loved the way he pictured Candy. Her bright blue eyes, long brown hair, her personality too. She was kind, and always new the right stuff to say. He didn't know it but he had a crush on her.
"I'm coming!" Candy replied
By the time Tom got done reading chapter five, it was twelve o'clock A.M. he decided then, just to go to bed.

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