Chapter 27

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Elena's P.O.V.

Compose message to Stefan...

-What game are you playing? Where are you?

I texted him. Yup. I had too. Because here I am, lost in this sea of like five different reporters asking me all sorts of questions about Stefan's little "I love you" in front of everyone speech. Which, to be honest. I loved it, I really did. But, I'm kind of pissed off at him that after my dance with Klaus that he's nowhere to be found and I've been texting him for the last twenty minutes and nothing!

I'm impatient and slightly annoyed when I hear the small ping of my phone and when I look down at my cell phone and see his reply back to me, I'm furious with him within minutes.

-Elena, I'm home. See you soon, love you!

Home? You have got to be kidding me! Once I get 'home' I'm going to kill him!


Stefan's P.O.V.

She's probably super pissed off at me. Well, I know that she is because the only thing that she had sent back to me so far was "What?"

It was hard getting out of the damn crowd. But, somehow I managed to leave early and get back to the house, along with Caroline and Katherine right beside me.

"So, does she have any idea what you've got planned?" Caroline asks, a smirk on her face as she laughs and nudges Katherine who's half way up a ladder, putting ribbons around two large posts that lead out from my backyard to the beach view that I get the chance to see every single morning.

"What, that I called a few people that I know, moved in all of her stuff from her old apartment to my place and made it all comfortable for her. Because, well...I'm kind of sick of watching her live out of this ratty old suitcase and then having to go back to the old apartment...No, she has no idea that I'm going to ask her to-" I start to say, but my cell phone that's in my pocket is buzzing as I pull it out of my pocket and look down at it.

"Damon. What's going on?" I answer, in a causal tone, hearing him scuff and shout into the phone, forcing me to back the cell phone away from my ear.

"Where the hell are you! Elena's being swarmed by the media and I just got her in the car..Are you, you know..almost done with your little romantic gesture." Damon asks me, irritation in his voice as I hear him swat something and say in a snarling tone. "Don't touch the radio, the driver touches the radio. My car, my rules!"

"Who else is with you, Damon?" I ask him, hearing as he laughs and then says in a sarcastic tone. "Oh you know, Me, Elena, Klaus, Elijah..and that's it." He comments, as I shake my head. Caroline and I are almost half way done, placing her clothes into the master bedroom in the house and since I called in a few more favors, it's taken us not that long to fix everything up and make it less of a bachelor pad that it once was.

"Look, I still need time. Why don't the four of you all go out for drinks or something. Just make sure that Elena doesn't get drunk..The girl loves to drink. But, I kind of need her sober tonight..seriously. Get to know each other and have fun!" I tell him, hearing as Damon groans and then reluctantly agrees to go out with them and keep them away from house for as long as he can.


Elena's P.O.V.

I don't know how long we've been at this all night diner. But from the looks on Damon, Klaus and Elijah's face...all the guys are having an amazing time and here I am, trying to text message Caroline and Katherine. But, once again no one is replying back to my messages. In all honesty, I'm starting to freak out a bit from all the secrecy and the fact that I haven't seen Stefan at all in like hours! Yet, I try to ignore my growing irritation and place my phone on the table in front of us that's covered in cheap coffee creamer tubes and has a huge whole cherry pie sitting in front of the four of us, everyone's to busy talking to really eat.

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