Chapter 10

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Elena's P.O.V.

My head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds, my eyes are beyond sensitive to the light and I feel like I'm dying..or dead already when I feel the sudden jolt and my eyes quickly adjust to the smell of stale air, air plane food and from what it sounds like, soft music playing near where I'm sitting.

"What the hell! Where are we?" I ask, my voice raw, head pounding into my ears as I hear him sigh and watch as he stretches out.

"Good Morning sleepy head!" He comments with a snicker as I shake my head and try to figure out where the hell it is that I am. Until I slowly pull my body off of the couch like seat that I'm sitting in and groan, watching as he follows my face.

I swallow hard as I rub the top of my head in confusion. Stefan smiles widely as he gets up and begins to speak. "You were just an absolute joy to be around last night..I held your hand the whole night, cleaned up your puke too. It was fun!" He says in snarky tone as I clear my throat to speak, my voice raw.

"What?" I ask, but then as I look around, turning to look out the window and realize that we're in the air, flying.

"God...I blacked out didn't I?" I ask him, confusion in my eyes as he gives me a smirk.

"Ha, blacking out...more like I spent the whole night babysitting you. But yeah you eventually passed out on my chest...You're cute when you drool." He comments as I get up on my already wobbly legs, trying to straighten myself up as I nearly fall back. But, his arms catch me quickly.

"Woah! How about you sit down and I can bring you some ginger ale. To help with the nauseousness." Stefan comments as he quickly opens a small refrigerator and hands me a cool green ginger ale can of soda.

"Here. Drink this. It'll help." He says as I take it from his hands and I look over at him, still glancing around in confusion.

"We're on your private jet...HA! Oh my god. I am so sorry! I really am! It was stupid of me to drink like that and get that drunk. Stefan..I-" I begin to say as he runs his hands nervously through his hair, concentrating on my hand.

"It's fine. But what I really want to know is where the damn ring is that I gave you?" He asks, anger hitting his tone as he gazes over at my hand that's holding the ginger ale can.

" kind of put it in my purse." I tell him, confessing softly as he gets up and sits across from me. Anger in his green eyes as he locks them on me and speaks.

"I suggest that you put it back on. Because once we get to LA. We're going to be swarmed with media and questions. So, I really suggest that while you're in keep it on your hand, whenever we're together." He says, getting up with a stiffened posture as I try to say something, but nothing wants to come out except for the fact that seeing him upset like this is making me want to vomit all over again.

"If you need me, I'll be back in this area of the plane, making a few phone calls about work and making sure our living arrangements will work out! Oh and if any of this ends up being leaked to the media about your little fun feast at that bar...we're both screwed!" He comments before disappearing out of my view without another word.


Stefan's P.O.V.

I'm pissed off as hell at her. But, I can't help and feel a little sorry for her. I guess I can blame myself for dragging Elena into this mess. But, as I sit here and think about the last few hours in my head. I figure that maybe we should call it off..maybe within a few months instead of a year we should tell everyone about our little scam of a relationship and just say that it didn't work out.

But as I pick up the phone to make a quick call to one of my other business partners, I can't focus and all I can think about Elena's hands around that Jake guy's shoulder's her face close to his.

The thought of them dancing together makes my stomach churn with disgust as I sigh and exhale deeply..frustration crawling on my skin as I make a phone call that I know I'll probably eventually regret. But, in this game that she's created...two can play it and I'm about to give her a little bit of her own medicine.


Hours later, I can feel the small plane hit the ground, the breaks squealing as I'm pushed forward a bit and for no reason, a smile creeps up onto my lips.

I can hear Elena groan as the plane eventually comes to a stop and the pilot announces that we've made it to our destination.

"LA, already?" Elena says, more to herself as I step out and sit next to her, smiling as she gives me a confused look.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden. A few hours ago you hated my guts and now, you're acting like nothing happened." She comments as I smirk and let out a small laugh.

"Oh, no reason. I'm just happy that we're moving in together. I hope you don't have a lot of stuff that we have to move to my place." I tell her, getting up from my seat as she gives me a look.

"Did you really let me fall asleep against you last night? I mean, you took care of my stupid drunk ass?" She asks with a confused tone as I look down at her, stretching my arms above my head before I respond.

"Of course I did, Elena. I'm not the type of guy to just let you sit in your own destruction as you sob yourself to sleep and plus, I kind of felt bad for you." I tell her, watching as she licks her lips and looks up at me, a blank stare on her face when she looks down and unbuckles herself out of her seat.

"Really?" She says, slowly getting up as I smirk at her.

"Yes..But, now we have to get going. Come on!" I tell her, pulling her by the wrist as she grabs her purse off the seat and stops me quickly.

"Wait, where the hell are all my bags from my hotel room?" She asks, pulling away from me and watching as I turn around with a smile.

"Oh about that. My friend Lexi helped pack your things while you were passed out on the bed in your hotel room...Don't worry, I'm sure she didn't forget those lacy hot pink thongs that you had in your suitcase." I tell her, throwing a smirk in her direction as she scuffs at me.

"You looked through my suitcase and my clothes!" She nearly yells, her arms now tightly fastened around her chest, a stern look on her face.

"Of course I did...Remember sweetheart..I'm you're fiancé now, I can have those privileges!" I tell her with a smirk as I once again pull her along and we make our way out of the plane and into the airport to my awaiting surprise guest.

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