Chapter 21

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Elena's P.O.V.

I want to stay like this for as long as I his arms, near him.

He's got this smug and proud smile on his face as if he's accomplished something and wants to show it off to the world as I lean into him.

"So, do we ever have to go back..home?" I ask him, watching as his hands leave small circles on my bare back. My head is laying on his shoulder, glancing up at him every once in a while to see if he's still paying attention to what I've been saying this last hour that we've been like this, the sheets nearly on the floor, only covering us both half way, the bowl of whipped cream is empty, somewhere on the floor next to the discarded pile of clothes as we lay on the bed together, blissful, in our own little world of love.

I watch as Stefan's hand is running up and down my arm, leaving goose bumps and sweet, long kisses against my feverish skin.

"No...I don't want to go back..I'd stay here forever if I had too. Just like this. You in my arms, nothing else would work, no stupid media trying to get pictures of us, wherever we go..all that would matter would be us, being together." He says, his voice raw and filled with lust, with more passion than I've ever heard before.

"So, pretty much..Paris can be our great escape...Screw the rest of the world..because, we have each other..nothing else matters!" I tell him in an informative tone, hearing as he laughs and brings my hands up to his lips, kissing them with a rapid pace. I laugh, covering my face with my hair and pulling it to be inside the curve of his arm.

"" Stefan asks, his voice playful and light as I nod my head.

Yes. I'm hiding..I'm hiding my face so he can't tell what he does to me, the way my face lights up when he's near or when he leaves fiery kisses against my already heated skin. I nod, giggling more as I feel his hands travel down my body, cupping my ass with his hands.

"Damn, just when I thought we could do what we did last night...all over again." He says against the curve of my neck, leaning into me and kissing my soft, warm flesh.

"Stefan, Please! We have to get up and be productive." I try to argue, hearing as he laughs, pulling me closer towards him and his hands go back up to the middle of my back.

"Uffhhh...We're on vacation..a very good one..Why ruin it with being productive? Look, I'm being productive...right. now." He says, pushing a few strands of my hair away from my face as he hovers over me half way, his eyes glistening when he leans into me and kisses my lips, deepening the kiss and the pressure of his mouth on mine until I feel like all the air is taken out of my lungs and all I need to breath and survive is him.


Stefan's P.O.V.

I want her. All of her. Always.

It's weird because even though I've been with a lot of women throughout the years. No one compares to what I feel whenever I'm around Elena. I love her, no questions asked. Hands down, I love her and if I had to listen to the way she laughs against me, taste the pineapple chap stick on her lips for the rest of my life. I'd be okay with that.

I break away from her to glance down at her as she giggles more, my hands lingering on her hips as I lean into her, watching her eyes grow wide when I roll us over, Elena's on top of me, running her hands up and down my chest, a smile stuck on her face when she leans down and starts to leave sweltering kisses against my bare chest.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I ask her, listening as she stops her rapid pace, hands running up and down my chest then a pattern of kisses that leaves me wanting to die.

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