Zak shrugs. "I mean, I wouldn't stop you."

"You know, when we get out of here, you should come live with me!" Darryl suggests. "I've got a spare room with your name on it."

Zak shakes his head. "I can't be your roommate."

"Why not?" Darryl asks, his eyes drooping with sadness.

"Isn't it a thing that you're not allowed to date your roommates or something?" Zak jokes, earning a giggle out of Darryl.

Darryl playfully smacks his arm. "Alright, let's look around."

Zak nods, forcing himself to stand up. He was ready to find a way out, but he'd be lying if he said that part of him didn't enjoy the moment they shared.

"Those fuckers took me outside and led me around the side of the building," Dylan explains as Clay uses a pen and duct tape to splint his finger. "We had agreed to spend some time at that park that's right behind the shop. Before we made it there, Ambxon pulled up in the van and Avocado injected me with this stuff that made me feel weak. I couldn't fight back, even if I wanted to." He winces when Clay pulls the tape too tight. "Dude, be gentle!"

"Who did all this to you?" Jude asks.

"It was their leader, Feni. She's sweet, but she's ruthless." He closes his eyes. "And she had her stupid snake with her. I fucking hate snakes."

"She had a snake?" George asks. "Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?"

"It's just as ridiculous as Skeppy using music to torture people into giving information," Dylan says.

Vincent shakes his head. "It's really not. Those two things are on completely different levels."

"FUCK!" Dylan shouts, yanking his hand away from Clay. "Do you even KNOW how to splint a broken finger?!"

"NO!" Clay yells back. "The only person here who knows how is Vincent and you threatened to BITE him if he touched you!"

Dylan glares at Vincent. "And I still will."

"Why did they hurt you like this anyway?" Jude asks.

"I learned something that I wasn't supposed to know." Dylan takes a deep breath. "They are responsible for killing both Agent Purpled and Agent Mumbo."

"Why would they kill other agents?" Jake asks.

"Purpled was on their team. They were there the night George's team arrested Dream. I don't know why they were there, but whatever it was had something to do with Dream. Purpled was going to try and warn him of their plan and Sprite shot him to stop him." He stares at a spot on the ground. "She didn't even care. She just pulled the trigger on a teammate. I don't think I'd ever be able to do that."

Clay nods. "I wouldn't be able to either." He let's go of Dylan's hand. "It's fine for now, but I'm taking you to the hospital as soon as we finish up."

"I hate hospitals," Geo states. "Something bad always happens at hospitals. Someone is always dying."

"When you say it like that, hospitals suck," Vincent agrees.

"Shit, you know what I just realized?" Dylan asks. "I can't drive my bike because it's my left hand that's fucked up! I can't use the clutch! SHIT!"

Geo scoffs. "I love how you are angrier about not being able to drive than you are about not being able to shoot."

"You're left-handed?" George asks.

Dylan nods. "I am. I guess not being able to fire a gun sucks too."

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