♜ Chapter 19 ♜

Start from the beginning

"I am not letting him leave! Then do I let him stay In my room?" Y/N asked. "W-What?" Yeonjun asked. "That makes things better, Taehyun will sleep at my room, with me." Y/N said.

Taehyun laughed in shock as he covered his mouth. Y/N only held Taehyun's hand as she started to walk away.

"You know something Taehyun? I bought a new whole collection of lin-" "FINE FINE HE CAN STAY WITH ME, HAPPY NOW?" Yeonjun said as he ran toward the two and separated them. Y/N smirked as she looked at him.

"Promise me that you won't treat him badly, threaten him, or tell him hurtful words!" Y/N said. "You are too demanding, you know?" Yeonjun said. "My room s in t-"

"Fine fine fine fine.....Let's go." Yeonjun said. "I....are you sure?" Taehyun asked as he glanced at Y/N, she nodded her head with a smile.

"Let's go quickly before I change my mind." Yeonjun said as he started to walk away. "I am coming!" Taehyun called. He turned around to face Y/N with a smile.

"I knew why you did this....thanks." Taehyun said. "Don't waste your chance now! Go!" Y/N said. Taehyun waved at her and then quickly followed Yeonjun upstairs toward his room.

Taehyun entered inside following Yeonjun and looked around his massive room. "Nothing changed here I see..." Taehyun said.

Yeonjun only ignored him as he was searching through his wardrobe for something. Taehyun smiled as he looked at a photo frame of him, Yeonjun, and the rest of his friends when they were younger.

"You still kept this?" Taehyun asked. Yeonjun turned around and walked toward the desk to flip the frame.

"I forgot to throw it. Don't touch anything in here." Yeonjun said in a cold tone and then returned back to search for the thing in his wardrobe.

Taehyun grinned as he sat down on Yeonjun's bed.

"I feel hurt by your cold attitude....I thought that we made up but......Y/N might notice my tears." Taehyun said. Yeonjun turned around as he rolled his eyes to face Taehyun.

"What do you want now?" Yeonjun asked furiously. "Nothing, just some warm clothes and a place to sleep." Taehyun said. "You see boy, I am searching for something for you to wear and the couch is over there, or you can even sleep in the bathtub, I don't care." Yeonjun said.

"Let's share the same bed." Taehyun said. "W-WHAT?" Yeonjun asked in shock. "What is wrong hyung? We used to do this all the time!" Taehyun said as he walked closer to Yeonjun and opened his arms wide.

Yeonjun stepped back as he held one of the pajamas sets and threw it at Taehyun. "FINE WHATEVER! Just go washup and wear these....Aish...." Yeonjun sighed as he walked out of his room.

Taehyun smiled as he picked up the clothes and smelled them. "I miss our old days...." Taehyun sighed. He pulled a bathrobe and went in the bathroom to take a shower.

Yeonjun sat down in the balcony and couldn't help but smile as he placed his chin on his hand.

"Finally....his old attitude is back thanks to Y/N....." Yeonjun said in a happy tone.

Y/N threw her towel aside as she lied on her bed and checked her phone, there were two missed calls from Lia. Y/N wasn't feeling sleepy and so decided to chat with her for a while.

It was few seconds until she picked up.

"Y/N, I called you for like many times but you didn't pick up!" Lia argued. "Hey, it was only two times!" Y/N said. "So you knew that I called you...." Lia said.

"Chill girl....I was out all day and just got home and took a bath, why are you in rush?" Y/N asked. "You were out? Oh.....it's nothing. Who were you out with? Yeonjun?" Lia asked in an amused tone.

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