♜ Chapter 13 ♜

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V opened his eyes slowly and looked around, his vision was blurry and it returned back to him so that he sees a girl with silver long hair sitting beside his bed.

He looked around and then tried to get up, he immediately winced in pain as he held his chest strongly and lied back.

"What happened?" V asked. "You were thrown on the ground, and then took my car and got us into an accident. Now my car is gone." The lady said as she smiled forcefully.

"Y/N.....What about Y/N?" V asked. "Y/N, Who is this girl?" The lady asked. V tried to get up ignoring the pain but the lady pushed him back.

"No, you can't get out of the bed yet. You need to take your time in healing. You got two shots, one in your shoulder and the other near your ribs. You also broke a hand with the accident and hit your head strongly. It's a miracle itself you are still alive." The lady said.

"But I have to find her! She was kidnapped!" V said. The lady flicked his forehead as she sighed. "So what? You ruined my car, MY CAR! I just bought a month ago after working hard for three continuous years. This is why you have to stay here until you pay me back and then you can go and search for your girlfriend or whatever relationship you have with her." The lady said.

"Don't you have any emotions? What if you got kidnapped by the worst gang in the whole Korea and you are kept as a hostage there? Just send me your account number and I will send you the money." V said.

The lady looked around and then sighed. "She must have done a big problem to be held as a hostage and you already got hurt enough. You can get treated quickly and then search for her, or else you will die before even reaching the street." The lady said.

V sighed as he lied back and pulled his hair as he closed his eyes and started cursing.

"Your name is Kim Taehyung, right?" The lady said. "You can call me V. What are you doing here with me anyway?" V asked.

"Nothing much. I just want a new car." The lady said. "I will send you the money, what i-"

"How about you send it when you get all well and fine? You can call me Jeanne." Jeanne said. "You are very suspicious, you know." V said. "Me? Excuse me but I allowed you to take my car and you got us in an accident! Is this how you thank people or what?" Jeanne said furiously.

"I don't think I like you." V said. "What??" Jeanne asked in shock.

V's phone started ringing and he checked the caller ID. He cursed as he gulped. It was Taehyun calling.

"Is there anything wrong?" Jeanne asked. "I need to take this call and it's....private. Can you kindly leave?" V asked. Jeanne said nothing and quietly got up and left.

V took deep breath as he picked up the call.

"H-Hey Taehyun....." V said. "Is everything right there?" Taehyun asked. "Actually.....Y/N got kidnapped....." V said. "I know, Seungri had already called me." Taehyun said.

"I am sorry, this all happened because of my poor skills. I promise to return her back and then take whatever punishment you give me!" V said.

"That's okay, where are you now?" Taehyun asked. "I am at the hospital." V said. "Is it that bad?" Taehyun asked.

"I got two shots and some broken bones. It will take me two weeks at least to get out of this freaking place!" V said. Taehyun remained silent for few seconds as he tried to think of something.

"Focus on recovering for now. I will ask Seulgi and her friends for help. Don't worry, it wasn't your fault that Y/N got kidnapped, Seungri is just too strong." Taehyun said.

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