♜ Chapter 3 ♜

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Y/N looked at the table as her heart beat quickly out of fear. She quickly took out her books and pretended to prepare her items.

Taehyun rolled his eyes as that creepy cold smile on his face faded. He got up to leave but stopped mid-way when he saw a specific girl, Kim Sangmi.

"Taehyun, it have been a while." Sangmi said. Taehyun hesitated a bit and walked away but Sangmi held his hand.

"Are you going somewhere?" Sangmi asked. Taehyun rolled his eyes and sighed. He removed Sangmi's hand and walked away.

"What was that? He is a fool...." Sangmi said. She walked back to talk again with some of her friends.

Y/N examined the situation from afar as she tried to understand all what was happening.

'Why is Taehyun a mafia? And what does he have to do with Sangmi? WHAT DID SANGMI DO TO MAKE A WHOLE FREAKING GANG CHASE AFTER HER???'

Y/N asked herself and soon got a headache after all the thinking which she got nothing from. Y/N sighed as she placed her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes.

She smashed her head on the table as she sighed.

'What did I get myself into?'

"Y/N!" A voice approaching Y/N said. Y/N looked up and saw Beomgyu there sitting in the empty seat in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked. "Classes still have few minutes until they start, I thought of checking you out since you looked tired." Beomgyu said. Y/N only nodded her head and grabbed a pen to sketch something on the table as Beomgyu only continued to talk and talk.

"Did you hear the latest news? Yeonjun is acting in the play for next week festival!" Beomgyu said. "Is that so? I mean he is handsome and talented......" Y/N said.

Beomgyu sighed as he looked at Y/N. "Are you sure you are okay?" Beomgyu asked. Y/N sighed as she felt her head was about to explode because of how talkative Beomgyu was.

She placed her pen on the table and looked at Beomgyu while she sighed causing some stuck hair on her forehead to get blown.

"I am fine, I really am! Didn't long time pass already? You have t go back to class." Y/N said. Beomgyu only smiled as he giggled. "What are you talking about? Only four minutes passed since I came here!" Beomgyu said.

Y/N held her hair as she smashed her head on the table again. 'Why does it feel like an eternity to me??'

Y/N looked around as she pretended to listen to Beomgyu. Her eyes examined every corner of the class until her eyes were focused on something, Kim Sangmi.

"Hey Beomgyu.....I want to ask you something...." Y/N said. Beomgyu placed his hands beneath his chin as he moved his legs light to left and right.

"What is it? You can ask me anything!" Beomgyu said.

Y/N looked at Sangmi and then at Beomgyu again. She took a deep breath and lightly placed her hand on the table.

"Who is Kim Sangmi? What does she have to do with Taehyun?" Y/N asked.

Beomgyu got startled by Y/N's question that his hand slipped causing his head hit the corner of the table as his legs were about to twist from the sudden kick he had to do.

Y/N looked at Beomgyu with confused eyes as she was waiting for an answer.

"Y/N.......Please don't mention this ever again." Beomgyu said. His face changed from bright and smiley to cold and worried.

Bad Boy | Kang Taehyun • MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora