"Wow!" She badly wants to feel the rage building up, the heartbreak, the fury but none of them was pushing it's way forth. She is just feeling nothing except the burning love she has abandoned for her husband that is resonating and fluttering her chest.

She has abdicated her love and her husband for no reason and now that another woman is about to take her place, just then did she came back to her senses. Now, she knows where to start or so she thought. She's made a terrible mistake right from the beginning and she don't even know where to start from. She doesn't deserve his forgiveness and love. The love he had or has for her is pure and she knows that because she equally loves him just like he does.

He loves passionately and she is one to say that to anyone and that is what is making her so jealous of having to share him with another woman. Another woman will have the same love she had and ceded so it didn't sit well with her at all. She needs to do something in the twenty days left for her.

"Yeah, wow! What are you going to do?" Fayha asked as though she is afraid of hearing her answer because the question was reluctant and almost forced out from her mouth.

"I don't know, honestly." She shook her head and push a morsel of food to her mouth not feeling her appetite anymore.

"You are not thinking about stopping the marriage, are you?" Fayha stopped her fork from moving around her China plate.

"What?! No!" She rolled her eyes at the absorbed thought her cousin brought. The thought of stopping the marriage actually never crossed her mind since she is the one at fault there. She won't stop him from doing what his heart desires.

"Good, let's stroll." Fayha likes strolling around Amani's estate because she said their estate is very calming and peaceful.

Amani agreed and removed Anaan's baby stroller and set it open outside their house then placed her baby inside. Anaan kept clapping around because it looks like she also like going out and seeing the clouds moving with the sun shining brightly on their heads.

"I have a perfect idea of what you should do." Fayha suggested after a while as they both were thinking about what to do and lost all in their thoughts.

"What is that?" Though she knows Fayha is crazy, she knew her ideas are mind blowing so she is ready to listen ad do whatever she wants her to do.

"We need to go and rock that wedding! But first, you should bring your husband back to your side and burn those flames of love you poured water on." Fayha grinned widely as though she has brought the cure to cancer.

"I'm not going to that wedding. It'd be so classless from my side you know." Amani was quick to admonish the first idea but she is ready to do the last one.

"Yeah, you're kind of right. But you don't want to know what I have in my head for you. Well, just burn those flames first and we'll see from there." Fayha thinned her lips not liking the dream she had was going down the drain. If only Amani knew what she had planned for them.

"I will." The determination in Amani's voice made Fayha smile, she knows her cousin will get her husband no matter the cost and no matter the situation. That is all she wanted. He should get married to whoever he wants, even the Miss Universe but if their love is back in sight, no one will be able to take Bushra Amani's place in Mika'il Malik's heart or even his home.

"Better do o! I don't want that tall pole to get him." Amani laughed so hard hearing the way she is talking about the President's daughter.




The sun slowly began to slide from the sky, pulling the blue canopy on its fall and slowly creeping behind was an ominous black shroud. The sun was beginning to set,
casting subtle hues of dusk across the sky and she still is thinking of ways to have him back in her arms. Will she ever be able to do so or will the new wife coming to their home have him all to herself?

She became nervous all of a sudden thinking her husband won't look at her because he is marrying another woman very soon. Oh her God! She really has made an extremely colossal mistake ignoring her own husband. Even if the humanity will be in her hands, she won't be able to say why she stopped caring about him for that time. Even with her baby, she still has lots of time for them to spend but something just clouded her vision and her head became blank as white canvas ready for a painter to pour out his dreams to brighten it.

It's like it just happened to her too hearing about him getting married. Maybe if he hasn't took that step, she wouldn't have seen her fault and how much she disappointment she has caused her husband. And if she could remember clearly, he has tried all he could to make them work when they started drifting down the drain.

This is the push she needs and now, she will fight tooth and nail for her husband. No President's daughter will bring fear into her heart not when she is always calm and collected in such situations. No matter where or when, she always had a calm heart and she would want to think about it with it. Just like Fayha said, she only need to blow on the lights that was burning in their hearts. Just a little push and apology will do, so she hopes. She wants to have him all by herself for the time being before another specie walks into their home.

Oh no, she don't mind having her in her home. Just the thought of not seeing what is happening between her husband and his wife don't sit well with her and she knows her husband don't have any other house out there. That is the only completed house he has and it is big enough to have four wives in there. All she could do is adjust and let him do what he thinks is right.

"Baby, you need to sleep." She rocked Anaan in her arms around ishā prayer but she is not having it.

Amani knows what she wants. She wants to see her father before going to sleep but she is darn sleepy to even wait but her daughter is so stubborn like her father so she sat down on the rocking chair and move them together but still, no trace of sleep is in her eyes.

"Dada..Dada..." Amani wants to remove her hair from it's roots knowing that day is one of the days Mika'il don't come back home early so she don't know what to do.

She brought out her breast and started breastfeeding her while still rocking her up and down and she fell asleep in no time making Amani sigh in relief and waited patiently for sleep to beckon her but it didn't.

Her husband is marrying another woman very soon. In less than twenty one days to be exact.

No, she is ready to fight and take in the arctic cold chilling her bones. In just less than Twenty One Days, she won't be able to have her husband all to herself but she is ready to fight for the love she wasted and she will do that In Twenty One Days and that is her vow before her head hit the pillow. She cuddled her daughter and fell into a dreamless sleep willing her mind to dream about a way to have her husband and she did.

She was so anxious that she couldn't sleep well so she stood up to execute her plan.

So another chapter is here and Juma'at Mubarak along with late Happy New Year 1442🎈 May Allah S.W.T bless us with more beautiful years❤ Comment your thoughts and tell me what should Amani do. I'll start shortening the chapters after chapter ten InshaAllah.
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