--- Time skip (because no one wants to read Bakugou's thoughts too much) ---

So this is fucking it. I aced the shitty written portion- I fucking knew that. I fucking knew I did, but why? Why was I so fucking nervous?! Katsuki fucking Bakugou was never nervous! I'm not some damn extra! My shitty anxiety if going through the fucking roof and it's gotten so fucking bad that when I fucking walked in this morning, I tripped on a shitty tile and nearly ate dirt if it wasn't for some round faced extra! I managed to grunt out a shitty thanks and walked off inside to get to the damn exam.

Hope I'll see him here. I thought to myself. Then I shook the shitty idea out of my head. No. He told me to pass a message to a shitty caterpillar. Midoriya said that the  fucking caterpillar would be able to find him. Just focus on getting into UA and finding that damned bug.

Time passed by agonizingly slow. The pro hero Present Mic was explaining the shitty exam when he'd gotten interrupted by a fucking extra. Then the shitty extra proceeded to complain and even fucking pointed out another shitty extra. I quietly groaned. "Shut the fuck up! He was getting to that!" I yelled at him. "So sit your ass down and be fucking patient! Everyone's already wired enough because of the exam. Stop bothering people! No one cares if someone's fidgeting 'cause they're nervous! So sit the fuck down!"

"That is very-" I cut him off.

"No one gives a fuck! Sit your fucking ass down!" He clammed up (finally!) and sat down. Though he seemed unhappy about how I'd told him to sit down. Not that I cared what he thought. Damn extra wiring everyone else. Tch. The rest was explained so blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Then we finally were given the time to prepare for our practicals. After ten minutes of waiting and loosening myself up to get ready, the gates opened up. I shot out like a bullet and got started on destroying bots. I controlled my firepower so no one would get hit by flying shit that I left behind in my wake and made sure to keep my eyes peeled for fucking trouble. Good heroes put people above the shitty villains in their damn priorities. 

Roughly five minutes before the test ended, a wailing alarm was sounded and the ground shook. I cursed. It was the fucking zero pointer. Since I didn't think there was anyone in front of damn thing, I followed the other shitty examinees before my ears picked up a familiar shitty sound. "Help!" It was that fucking round faced girl who'd caught me earlier. She was stuck under some rubble and couldn't get the fuck out of her situation. Figuring that I wouldn't be able to fucking take down the gigantic shitty robot and save her, I yelled at some random extra to help her while I dealt with the fucking zero pointer.

"Fuck off shitty robot!" I screamed, launching myself at it and blasting its fucking face to hell. "Die!" And with that, the damn exam finished. 

My fucking wrists were fucking killing me! Why? Because I had to fucking make a huge ass fucking explosion to blast that fucker to hell! Where the hell did UA get the damn funds for a fucking robot that damn big?!

I walked home. I wasn't pissed or anything. I was just... calm. I knew that with my points, I'd make it past the exam without the rescue points but since Midoriya had told me to put others before myself when it comes to heroism, I most likely also have rescue points for pulling and pushing others out of harm. I did try to be gentle about the pushing and pulling but how the fuck is anyone supposed to be gentle with pushing and pulling? A lot of other did yell at me because they "didn't need help" or "I made them look bad". I didn't care because I was too focused on killing the faux villains and saving more examinees too. 

It was fucking hard. The damned exam was more fucking difficult than I'd expected it to be. It was fucking hard being a damn hero but only because a great hero serves others not the other fucking way 'round. When a hero works for their own damn shitty gain and not this shitty society, then they're not a true hero. They're a fucking fake and are only heroes by the fucking legal title. Sitting in that damn stadium and seeing hero hopefuls thinking of their own gains, the greed in their eyes, I saw a glimpse of what would happen to them. If they get into the hero course, graduate, and make it out to the field, those extras would be fucking crushed. And if they don't fucking cave in like the shitty extras they were, when they get a shitty "family" and when they get taken the fuck down by someone, they wouldn't be the only ones dragged the fuck down to hell. People around them would be dragged along for the un-fucking-pleasant ride on a one-way trip to Tartarus.

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