Leigh couldn't help but to laugh as she thought about how fast Jason had moved out of the room that day. Sighing, she shook her head of her thoughts and turned back to the electronic tablet within her grasp.

"What trouble are you stirring up now?" Jason's voice said as he came into the sunroom. The sun shun on him and made his skin look paler than what it usually was.

"It occurred to me," Leigh said, putting a thoughtful finger to her chin. "That I have yet to receive an engagement ring from my beloved fiancé." Jason's face dropped as he looked at the devious expression on her face.

"What's the point?" he asked as if he already regretted asking. "We aren't going to get married anyway."

"We have to sell the idea of me and you being in love," Leigh said with a fake smile on her face. "And nothing says being in love like an eighty carat, platinum diamond ring." She turned the tablet around towards Jason, making him back away.

"Do you realize that the price on that thing is followed by five zero's?" He asked in an incredulous tone.

"I'm sure you have it covered," Leigh said with a smile. "After all, if I don't have this ring on my pretty little finger soon, I will be a very angry fiancé." There was a slight pause as Jason tried to hold in his anger. Jason had once thought her new act was adorable, now every time he seen that mischievous glint in her eyes, he wanted to wring her little throat. He refused to let Leigh drive him insane. It was clear that she was dead-set on making him go crazy, and she wasn't going to get the satisfaction. He was going to make sure that he drove her to the asylum before she could drive him there.

"You're right," Jason said, his whole aura changing. "As my fiancé, you deserve all the riches in the world. The ring is yours."

The smile on Leigh's face faltered as she watched Jason take a seat next to her. She hadn't expected him to give in to her so quickly. Hell, she didn't expect him to give in at all. She was looking forward to seeing him throw one of his infamous tantrums. After all, they were usually the highlight of her days. She didn't like the smirk on his lips. He was up to something that was for sure.

"I'm glad you agree," was all she said as she pointedly scooted further away from him.

"You know," he said slowly, the amusement clear in his tone, "We were invited to a little party tonight, and I think it's the perfect place to test out this little loving fiancé act of yours."

"I think I will sit this one out," Leigh said with a yarn. "I have some television shows that I need to catch up on."

"Well, it's a good thing I didn't ask you what you think," Jason said with a sly grin. "Be ready at eight o'clock, and don't think that I won't drag you out of the house myself if you refuse to go." With that, he got up from the love seat and made his way out of the sunroom, leaving Leigh to stare blankly after him.

Three cups of coffee, four feigned suicide attempts, and five hours later, Jason was prying Leigh from the bed by her ankles and dragging her into the night. There was a part of her who wished that something would come up and he would forget about her. She had even started trying to convince herself that he wouldn't dare drag her out of the room, but she was proven wrong.

"Don' tell me you're going to have a sulky attitude all night," Jason said as he stopped at a red light.

"Why do you care?" Leigh asked as she folded her arms across her chest haughtily. She did have to admit that she was acting like a child who wasn't getting her way, but Jason made her act like this. He drove her crazy in ways no man had ever have. She could tell herself all day long that she hated him and would much rather see his face on the front of a milk carton, but she still couldn't deny that his ruggedly attractive face seemed to plague her mind more than she would've liked.

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