(27)Blissful Chaos

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Hey guys! For some of you this will be the LAST chapter. I am writing a Bonus chapter that is not mandatory, so for those of you who are pleased with this ending, you don't have to read the bonus. But...





Blissful Chaos

Leigh grunted, her short legs pacing the floor of her small jail cell in a frantic way. She hadn't been officially charged with anything yet, and that was why she was only being held in contempt instead of actually having to do the process where she would be going into an actual prison.

She had never been in major trouble before, and the fact that the cell seemed extremely claustrophobic only made her anxiety stronger. She looked over to Jason, who was in a separate cell to her left. He was lying flat on one of the hard, uncomfortable benches. He had one arm slung across his eyes to shield out the blinding light, while one leg hung off of the bench in a careless manner.

"Can you explain to me again why you came up with this dumb ass plan?" Leigh snapped at him. She was so far from being polite. It had been one hell of a night-a night where she was almost burned to death-and now this? Her hand was already throbbing from the explosion and she yearned for some sort of cream to relieve it of its pain.

"Well, I knew that if I hit the police officer, they would drag me down to the station as well and you wouldn't have to be in here alone," Jason repeated numbly. He had been explaining the same sentence to Leigh for over an hour. It was quickly becoming clear to him that Leigh was a panicker.

If anything failed to go remotely her way, she would panic her blonde ass off. Usually, he liked to see her squirm-he thought it was cute-but now, she was just stressing him out.

"Honey," Leigh said slowly as she took a deep breath. "That was very sweet of you, but, did it ever cross your mind who would bail us out if you got yourself thrown in jail?" she asked in a rushed tone. "At least if I was in here by myself, I knew you would get me out, but now-"

"Don't worry, Leigh," Jason said, standing to his full height and putting his arms through the metal bars that connected them. He motioned for her to do the same, and with gentle hands, he rubbed small circles into her arm. "I own a law firm," he chuckled, "with some of the best lawyers in this region; I know we are going to get out of here with a clean slate. I just don't know when."

Leigh relaxed while she stared into Jason's eyes. She knew she was probably overreacting, but extortion and blackmail were serious charges. Not to mention Janice had tried to pin Tony and his goons on her.

She knew Janice was powerful and could probably pin any crime on her that she wanted. The police probably wouldn't even question it, just like they hadn't when they first arrested her. They both looked to the front of the room. A woman-the same officer who had put the hand coves on Leigh-had walked into the room with a set of keys dangling from her hands.

"Everything has been straightened up," she murmured as if she wasn't so happy about the two being released. "You're free to go, sorry for the mix-up."

"See," Jason began, a wide smile on his face. "I told you we wouldn't be in here for long." Leigh smiled back, sighing with relief when the metal doors that encaged her like an animal slid open.

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