Chapter XXIV

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"Chaeyoung?" Mina was puzzled as to why Chaeyoung was here in her waiting room, more importantly, of how the girl entered the venue. Right then, she noticed Chaeyoung wearing a pass that she gave Sana.

"Hi." Chaeyoung can only form this word as she was very nervous. "Why are you here?" Mina said in her soft voice. "Tzuyu helped me out. She gave me a pass to come here and talk to you before you start your concert." Chaeyoung was thankful she didn't stutter. "Your staff Sakura let me in. Uhhh..." She was contemplating whether to say more.

On the other hand, Mina was surprised of Chaeyoung's appearance. She thought that the girl already gave up that day she went to her exhibit and told her everything. Although this might be quite a surprise, deep down inside her she knew she also wanted the girl here. "Mina" Chaeyoung gathered her courage and spoke again. "I'm sorry about what happened on the exhibit. I was really surprised to know those things happened to you." Chaeyoung said that made Mina lower her head. "It's okay, Chaeng. I kinda anticipated that reaction.  I'm sorry too for hiding that from you." Hearing her name on her favorite person's mouth, Chaeyoung can't help but miss everything about them. She wanted to hug the ballerina so much but she controlled herself. She don't want to scare the girl away, so, she decided to take it slow.

"Regarding that matter, I'm sorry I wasn't quite fast to react to that but believe me... I tried to run after you but you weren't there anymore." Chaeyoung said as her voice gradually fading towards the end.

"Mina-yah, I'm here to tell you that everything that happened before, I understand it. At first, I felt hurt knowing what happened between you and that jerk but more than hurt I felt was the longing for your presence." By now, Chaeyoung took Mina's hand and held it tightly.

"I still love you, Mina. Will you still give us a chance?" Chaeyoung looked at the girl expectantly.

What happened to Mina back then, Chaeyoung thought a lot about it. After a lot of thinking, she came up with a decision.

'I won't let my love go because of a mistake she didn't intentionally make.'

"Chaeyoung..." The cub focused on the girl infront of her as she anticipates her reply. They are still holding hands and both their heart beats drumming loud.

"You know how much I love you and I will always do. But even if we get back together, I don't think I will ever forget what I did. The guilt in me will always stay and I'm afraid if we push to be together, sooner or later, we will eventually end up hurting more.." Chaeyoung's tears rolled down her face as she continued to listen to what Mina says.

With all the plans she had, never did this reply crossed her mind.

She never thought of the negative reply Mina could give her. She was so sure the girl would give her a chance again when they talked. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that what Mina felt is beyond embarassment.

"I'm sorry, Chaeyoung." With that last reply, Sakura, Mina's staff asked her to get ready for the concert will start in a bit.

Mina left Chaeyoung in the room with her broken heart.

Both their hearts are in pain.

One is crying her eyes out for trying to revive a love she knew they deserve while the other one is hurting inside, trying to conceal the pain for rejecting the love she thought she don't deserve.

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