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"How's your step mom?" Namjoon asked while you were busy eating your food.

"She's good and sweet. I like her." You grinned.

"How about your brother?"


You stopped from eating and shrugged.


"He's a bitch."

"What did he do to you?"

"Nothing. He's just disrespectful. He didn't even greeted me 'Hi!'. He just passed and glared at me. Like, what the fuck? What did I do? I want to punch him but then you came."

"He don't like you," Namjoon said and continued to eat.


"Yeah, I know. I don't like him either. But Joonie, he's hot. But his attitude doesn't suit his physical appearance."

"But at least I'm better." He grinned confidently.

"Of course, you are. I can call you perfect. You're smart, gentleman, handsome, tall, kind, caring, loving, talented, bastard, stupid, idiot and a new type of machine that destroy things." You laughed and he glared at you.


"I hate you!"

"I love you too." You replied and winked.


You came back to your house a little late. It was 11:00 pm and you knew that your dad would kill you.

You opened the front door and gladly, it was not locked. You entered and slowly closed the door so that you couldn't make a sound.

When you turned your body to face the stairs, the lights opened and you saw your step brother, crossed his arms on his chest and glared at you.

"Hi?" You smiled like an idiot and waved your hand at him.


"Where did you came from?" He asked seriously. Too serious that his brows met.

"From my mother. She gave birth to me after the 9 months of carrying me in her tummy." You bluntly snapped while gesturing your tummy.


"I asked seriosly," he glared at you, a little colder.


"That's what you get when you're also rude to me! I greeted you, then you just gave me that 'who do you think you are to talk to me' look. Like wtf? I am noㅡ"

"You talk too much." He irritatedly frowned.

You just huffed at him. "I am crying my part here, you know? Do you know how it felt? I just greeted you warmly and youㅡ"

"Will you please shut up for a second and listen to me first?" He sighed. "Look, dad and mom want me to watch over you. They left a while ago because of some business. And do you think I want to be here too? No! God knows how I hate to be here. You're not the only one who doesn't like the idea of being stuck with people I didn't know existed!" He exclaimed.

You stared at him. The last part he yelled caused a little pain in your heart. You felt a needle pressing on your beating heart. You sighed. "I'm with my best friend."

He stared at you for a while and sighed. He was not that contented with your answer. "Okay. Just go to your room. And next time, tell me so that I can give you permission." he said and walked away, leaving you dumbfounded.

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