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"Spit it out.." Jeongguk said, his arms crossed over each other as he stood there waiting.

A sigh erupted from Jimin, he looked down. "I don't know where to start.." He mumbled, guilty.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, "From the beginning, perhaps?" The merman looked up and with a small blush on his cheeks, he cleared his throat.

"Alright.. Well, you see, in our world, strictly only mates touch each other. This can be anywhere. The tail, fins or you know.. the gills, for example."

The human raised his brows. "So what you're saying is I just violated you, and your fin automatically came up as a self-defense or what?" But that doesn't make any sense, considering the sounds he made.

"What! No, no, no!" Jimin quickly denied, eyes wide with a slightly hammering heart.

"Then what just happened, Jimin? If it's unlikely for others to touch your tail or gills, then that means I just did something forbidden."

"Me, here, talking to you is forbidden, Jeongguk."

The younger sighed, "Jimin."
He really wanted an answer.

"Fine, fine.." The merman began. "So, touching of the sensitive parts between mates, is a way to bond directly. It makes us feel certain things.."

It was at this moment the boys had a staring contest. Jimin only grew redder as time passed and after a few seconds the younger breathed out,

"Then why would you give me permission to do something like that? And you still haven't explained to me why your fin nearly—"

Jimin turned his head towards the ocean, his cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"U─uh, right.. Honestly, I just wanted to experience what it felt like to have someone caress your gills. When you stroked my tail it felt good, so I was wondering what it would feel like if you'd touch my most sensitive part."

Jeongguk bit his lip, slowly walking back to Jimin beginning to feel a little bad because of his dramatic reaction.

"And about the fin, that was just an automatic reaction to the touch. I promise you, I would never hurt you."

Jimin was so embarrassed. He is never like this. He never feels so insecure. Yet, there he was, stuttering and blushing like an idiot and it was all because of the human Jeongguk.

"I see.." Jeongguk exhaled loudly whilst he sat down, turning to look at Jimin who stared at the ocean sadly.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have made you do that. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, and I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. Actually, I fully understand if you dont want to see me ever again. I'll l─leave, sorry again." The silver haired began rambling, already pushing himself a little back into the direction of the water.

The human now felt really bad. He quickly reached out, grabbing Jimin by his arm to prevent him from leaving.

He had his tail draped in the water, while he sat up straight. He slowly looked back up, into the eyes of the younger feeling his cheeks heat up even more.

Silently, Jeongguk raised his hand and without a word he traced Jimin's gills, making him gasp.

"I'm not mad at you, Minnie. I reacted too quick and way too dramatically, I'm the one who should apologise. However, I kind of would've appreciated knowing all of that in advance."

Jimin wanted to say something back, he really did. But when Jeongguk put more pressure which made him feel like heaven, his body went limp and he fell against the other, head on his shoulder.

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