Mind Your Fucking Business

Start from the beginning

I showered quickly and threw on a clean camp shirt, comfortable shorts, and black converses.

The only possession I'd bring with me from the future was riptide which I repocketed. It made me wonder if Chiron still had the past sword. If so I had a few plans for it.

At breakfast, Piper and Leo were claimed. Hephaestus symbol quickly faded from above Leo's head after everyone kneeled he was welcomed at the Heaphestus stable. Piper on the other hand was given a full makeover. The only thing Piper actually liked was her hair now curled around her shoulders instead of falling to her waist and her mom had given her practical fighting shoes with the red dress she now wore.

While eating breakfast I thought about the others. We may have knowledge from 6 years into the future but we still had a major disadvantage. Nobody saw us as anything except kids. None of us were even teens yet with the exception of Thalia who was a tree, Zoe who was an immortal hunter, and Hazel who was still sorta dead.

Annabeth and I turned 12 this summer and most of our current Allies were younger than us. How did the fates expect this to work? I understand the part about not being suspected because we were so young but what about literally everything else. In the mortal world, it was frowned upon to let your kid run loose through the streets with weapons. Looking back at the fact the gods sat back and let literal children do their bidding angered me. How did they trust preteens to recover one of the most powerful weapons in the world in a week?

They didn't. A small part of me whispered. They wanted you to fail, they wanted war. You helped keep the gods at bay for years and they repay you by letting watching you and your friends get killed.

My train of thought was interrupted by Luke and Annabeth who even as they left the pavilion I could hear arguing. I quickly finished off my food and ran to catch up. Luke looked angry but Annabeth was angrier.

"Hey what's going on?" I questioned standing beside Annabeth and I swear Lukes's eyes caught fire.

"None of your business Jackson it would do you some good to leave now."

"I think I'm fine where I am. What's wrong Anna?"

Luke scowled harder and opened his mouth. " Don't call her-" Before he could finish Annabeth turned to me.

"Luke is jealous because I'm hanging out with you. It would do him some good to remember I am my own person and he is a 19-year-old boy with a life separate from mine. I don't need to justify who I hang out with to you just like I don't question why you and Amanda from the Aphrodite cabin were in the shed a week ago for a whole hour." Luke blushed red from anger or embarrassment I wasn't sure. He took a step forward towards Annabeth and instinctively I stepped in front of her.

"The lady is done talking and I won't be as nice," Luke growled and I emphasized my point by making the ground shake slightly. He backed off rolling his eyes.

"Okay fine I'll leave. Just so you know Annabeth Athena would be so disappointed in you for hanging with sea scum." I balled my fist ready to swing but Annabeth grabbed my arm.

"Athena may have a problem with Poseidon but our parents' actions and grudges don't define us. You'd do great to remember that tidbit of information Lukas." Luke turned away and stomped off.

I released a sigh. Luke was somehow angrier than I remember. Maybe it had to do with the fact the Hellhound never attacked last night. Was it possible Kronos was mad? Befriending Luke would be hard if he insisted on keeping Annabeth and I from being friends out of Jealousy.

It wasn't until he was gone I heard a low whistle. Turning around I faced Will.

" He is a bit daff isn't he?" Annabeth chuckled lightly before asking Will what he was doing around here.

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