➼chapter 8; dark marks and dragon scars

Start from the beginning

As if finally realising they weren't alone, Serena cleared her throat and hastily took a step back, Fred awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

George had gotten another flag from Ginny's bag, wrapping it around Ramona's shoulder that was bleeding as well, from one of the curses hit at her.

Fred was digging through his and George's bags, trying to find another flag. "I still need to wrap your leg-"

Serena chuckled. "Fred, I'm alright, really. There's no need."

Before he could retort, a bright, shimmering green light burst from the darkness into the sky.

For a split second, Serena thought it was another leprechaun formation, until she saw what it really was: a massive skull, with a snake crawling out of its bony mouth, mimicking a tongue. The entire sky lit up in a hazy green.

Serena's heart stopped. "The Dark Mark..."

Ginny whimpered, to which George immediately wrapped an arm around her.

Fred walked a few feet's away, noticing the commotion had cleared away. "Let's... let's go back to camp, it seems like the Death Eaters have fled."

Everyone had seemed to agree, George allowing Ramona to jump on her back. Everyone grabbed a rucksack or two, ready to leave when they finally noticed Serena frozen in her spot, staring at the Dark Mark in horror. Fred, who was holding Ginny's hand, placed an arm on Serena's shoulder. "Serena, we've got to go."

Whether Serena had really heard him or not wasn't clear, but she started moving with the group anyway, one question haunting her mind: 'Is that what Mum saw when Dad was murdered?'


The group let out a collective sigh of relief to see the campsite empty, though the sight of burnt down tents greatly disturbed them. Serena and Ramona were planning to check their tent to see if Magnolia, Iyla, or Maisie had come back, only to find its charred remains when it has once stood.

Deciding to all go to the Weasley tent, they all once again sighed in relief to see it still standing. Ducking inside, they saw Bill Weasley holding a bedsheet to his bleeding arm, Charlie with a large rip in his shirt, and Percy with a bloody nose. All three jumped up at the sight of them

"You're alright!" Charlie said, rushing forward to engulf a shaken Ginny in a hug. Percy sighed in relief as Bill went over to hug the twins as well until he finally noticed George holding a pale Ramona, the pain of her broken ankle finally getting to her head.

Bill hurriedly helped George set Ramona on one of the couches, placing a pillow under her foot and a wet towel on her forehead. "What happened?" He quietly asked, looking down at the blanched girl in sympathy, to which George recountered what Ramona had him.

Charlie, after making sure Ginny was alright, turned to Fred and Serena, eyes widening at her appearance. "Your arm is covered in blood! So is your leg!"

Serena laughed. "So I'm aware."

Charlie smiled at her. "I can get rid of all the dried blood for you, if you'd like." When Serena nodded gratefully, she slightly limped toward the chair Bill was previously sitting in, her leg now starting to hurt.

"Well, it stopped bleeding, thanks to the flag. Good idea, by the way," Charlie said, carefully unwrapping the flag around her arm.

Serena grinned up at Fred, who was watching them. "It was Fred's, actually."

Charlie whipped his head toward his younger brother. "Fred?"

The twin only narrowed his eyes. "Always the tone of surprise, eh?"

Charlie only shrugged, pointing his wand as Serena before muttering,"Tergeo." He did the same for her leg.

"Wow, you're really good at healing! Thank you," Serena smiled at him.

He laughed, lifting the sleeve of his arm. For a second, Serena thought he was trying to flex, when she saw quite a few large burns on his arm. "Kinda have to be. When you work with dragons for a living, you've got to know a healing spell or two."

Her eyes widened. "No way! You're a dragonologist?" Charlie nodded enthusiastically, showing her more burn scars and how he had gotten them.

"Say, you're Serena, aren't you?"

Serena tilted her head in confusion, knowing she hadn't met him before. "Yea... how did you know?"

"Well, your sister, Iyla came to watch the World Cup with us. And you look a lot like her."

Serena nearly facepalmed at her stupidity, cheeks slightly heating up in embarrassment. "Er... right. That did happen."

"Because I don't think we've officially met, hello, Serena, I am Charlie Weasley, professional dragonologist."

The girl shook his outstretched hand. "Hi, Charlie, I'm Serena, professional... procrastinator."

Charlie grinned. "I've heard that profession pays well, though it has long hours of distraction."

Serena laughed before Fred cut in, ushering Serena out of her seat. "Okay, now you've met my super cool brother. Let's check on Ramona. Come along now, Rena."

Serena stood, limping toward Ramona with a soft smile. "I managed to decrease the swelling, but we don't have a bottle of Skele-gro, so I can't really fix that." Bill Weasley said from beside Fred and George.

Serena brushed some of the hair out of Ramona pale face. "You'll be fine, don't worry, Mona."

Just then the tent flap opened, revealing Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Mr. Weasley. When Serena turned around, her heart stopped at the sight of Maisie, Iyla, and Magnolia entering the tent behind. She ran forward, throwing her arms around all three of them. "I'm so happy you're three alright." She said shakily.

Magnolia shrugged, ruffling Serena's curly hair before she let go. "A couple of Death Eaters are no match for me."

Maisie was sporting a small cut along her cheek, but other than that, her and the others looked fine. "Of course I would be- Serena! What happened to you!" Her mother was pointing at Serena's bloody jacket sleeve, though her arm was perfectly fine.

Maisie was fussing over Serena, who was trying to explain she wasn't bleeding anymore because Charlie healed her, and it was fine, and to keep her fretting quiet, aware the others were watching them. Suddenly, when Serena managed to break out of Maisie's worrying arms, Iyla hugged her again, whispering, "Glad you're alright, big sis."

Serena chuckled. "Can't get rid of me that easily, little sis."


Author's note: Please read :)

Hi everyone! So school started today... yay. Can't you feel my enthusiasm? :)
Don't worry, it's online! No coronie for me today!

Wasn't that interaction between Charlie and Serena adorable? (And Fred sorta kinda getting jelly?) He's lowkey an underrated character that deserves more of the spotlight!

Anyhoo, I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't the best, I was writing it in between class today, which I'm really not supposed to do but whatever :). I'll continue to try my best to post daily, but once again, time management and I are not good speaking terms.

I'm also sorry the whole Quidditch World Cup is taking up too many chapters, but they'll be back at good ole' Hogwarts in the next (we'll hopefully). 💜

Well, I hope you enjoyed this subpar chapter anyway! Hope you lovelies have a wonderful Wednesday!

With gallons love,


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