Chapter 13: Sophie's POV+Special Thing at the End

Start from the beginning



I'm sorry it's so short. The next chapter will be longer. Promise.

And I have the first chapter for a story I'm writing below dis... I'm not going to post it on Wattpad(unless you think I should?) bc I want to try and publish it someday.

Here is the rough draft of Chapter 1...

Chapter 1


I winced as the little girl trashed and screeched, "NO! NO!" As she was taken up to the Stage of Democracy, as me and my friends called it.

She was only around eight years old. Her hair was pulled back into two pigtail braids, and I felt awful.

She screamed as they pressed the hot metal on her wrist, burning a 'S' into her skin.

I sighed in relief. They were going to give her the option of a Servant.She just had to submit.

She had powers. So they were going to kill her if she didn't submit.

"Do you submit to the Lord?" the man burning her questioned.

"NO!" She screeched.

They dragged her to the hanging. Then they tied her up with no remorse and asked, "Final chance, do you submit to the Lord?"

She glared at the man and said firmly, "No."

A woman, whom I assumed was her mother, screeched in horror as they dropped her, breaking her neck and killing her. I winced. I HATED public executions. They were awful to watch.

"I'm sure I have no need to remind you." the Lord said from his balcony, "But if you see any signs of witchcraft or unnatural abilities, report to me. Immediately."

"Yes, my Lord." We all murmured in unison. This was normal. I hated it. It shouldn't be normal. It's... wrong.

But it's the way we have always lived. So I would just have to push through.

The Lord dismissed us and I followed my Uncle Jack through the town and into his workshop. He sold fresh plants and water. We made pretty good money off of that. We weren't rich, like the Elizabeths, but we were enough to be somewhat well-known.

My parents and my siblings all fled the kingdom after my younger brother was falsely accused of witchcraft and hanged, but I wanted to stay. I was only five at the time.

Now, I regret not going with them.

It seemed a lot more like medieval times than the future, from what I've heard. After the Dawn of the Kingdoms, as everyone called it, we went backwards in order to save the economy. Getting rid of anything slightly harmful to the environment.

I remember in a book I read there was something called 'Cell-phones', that you would use for entertainment. And you would use 'Cars' to get places.

Now, you either used horse carriages or walked. And you would use letters.

We used different clothes, too. The women and girls wore simple dresses that were simple, plain colors. Sometimes we would wear bonnets, but I almost never did. I would just tie my hair back with a white ribbon instead. The men and boys were different, they wore brown suits and brown jeans and occasionally wore hats.

Instead of a 'President' we had a Lord in each kingdom, who was unnamed and masked when out in public. And occasionally, people left some kingdoms to go to another because they didn't like the Lord in power. That's what my family did, other than me and Uncle Jack, of course.

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