Halloween Special

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Chapter 4: Halloween Special

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October 31, 2014

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      Being a group of six, Mathias, Lukas, Emil, Berwald, Tino and Nathan very rarely agree on anything. When it comes to the end of October, they all approve of one thing; Halloween is the best holiday behind Christmas. A couple weeks prior, they all decided on a theme for the shop’s decorations. Last year, Tino had chosen pirates, the year before, they agreed on a haunted house, and this year Lukas suggested they do a sorcerer’s shop.

                Berwald strung up multicolored lights and other decorations everywhere, black table cloths were put over the counter and tables along with candles, and everyone wore wizard hats the week of Halloween. The day of Halloween, they decided to close the shop an hour early to enjoy the holiday itself.


                As Lukas exited the bathroom, Mathias came out of nowhere. “Hey Lukas!” Lukas instinctively hit him in the gut. “Ow!” He gasped.

                “Don’t sneak up on me like that,” Lukas nagged. “I’m not even sorry,”

                “Okay, but are you still going to Francis’ party tonight?” he asked, wincing from the enduring pain in his gut. Lukas tilted his head.

                “Again, yes,” Mathias had begged Lukas to come, though he didn’t enjoy parties. “I’m not staying too long, or even drinking. I promised to watch a Halloween movie with Emil tonight, like we do every year.”

                “Ah?” Mathias frowned. “That sounds more fun than that party actually. How well do you think Francis hosts parties?”

                “Are you guys talking about Francis’ party?” Tino chimed into their conversation.

                “Yeah,” Lukas told him. “Are you going?”

                “Of course I am, and so is Ber,”

                “I guess I’ll tag along, too,” Nathan called from the counter.

                “Great, a night at Francis’ place, what can possibly go wrong?” Lukas made a face at them.

                “Now that you say that, something will,” Tino teased.

                “Yeah, something will go wrong anyway, even if I didn’t say that. Let’s just hope nobody gets stabbed,”


                Later, the six of them arrived, on foot, to Francis’ house. Lukas was dressed in his handmade sorcerer’s outfit, the one he wears every year, Mathias in a simple hooded cape with nothing much else to go with it other than a cheap grim reaper’s scythe. Tino and Berwald went with matching police officer uniforms, and Emil dressed in a tux and bowtie that matched Mr. Puffin’s, who also came and was sitting on Emil’s shoulder. Nathan followed behind, dressed in a normal T-shirt and jeans under his jacket and scarf.

                “Are we late?” Tino asked, looking around at the many cars parked in his driveway.

                “I don’t think so; he said it starts at 7 and its 6:30.” Emil replied, looking at his watch.

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