Your Local Coffee Shop

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Chapter 1: Your Local Coffee Shop


September, 2014


One late-September morning, a long-anticipated autumn cool-front blew into Brookdon. Mathias Køhler arrived to work while the sun was still down and unlocked the front door to his beloved coffee shop. The gratifying warmness and pleasing smell of sweets and coffee beans of Køhler’s Koffee gave him a lovely greeting. Taking a deep breath, he entered and went to the back, where he started his almost-every day work routine of making his coffee for his customers to start their day with.

The restful music coming from his laptop occupied the room with a peaceful atmosphere. Mathias hummed along as he worked. He never tired of the early-day job; mornings were very repetitive, but he didn’t mind.

Time rolled by and before he knew it, the store was just about ready to open for the day. The coffee was ready and his workers–and life-long friends, excluding Nathan–should be arriving soon. He exited the back room and moved to the front of the shop. The September sun was still down but the occupants of Brookdon were soon to be up.

Knock, knock. Francis Bonnefoy stood at the door, peering through the glass. The older gentleman said something and pressed his face against the window as Mathias glanced at him. “Come in!” Mathias called to him. He slightly tilted his head to the side in confusion. Oh right, he remembered, the walls are 98.2% soundproof.

“Good morning, Mathias,” Francis greeted him brightly after the Dane let him in. Arthur Kirkland followed after him with a couple of cardboard boxes nestled in his arms. “You’re looking very lively today, mon cher.”

“Same to you,” Mathias replied. He had forgotten Francis was delivering some samples that day. Since Francis had occupied the building next door only months ago, that was the first year he’d be displaying his autumn-exclusive products. Mathias was more than excited to see what he had brought.

Arthur gently set down the boxes. “Good day, Mr. Køhler.” Arthur yawned, looking at Mathias with a sleepy squint.

“Morning, Arthur.” Mathias replied. “Go ahead and take a seat.” Arthur nodded and sat down.

Francis untapped one of the boxes and pulled out a container. “I brought some traditional pumpkin muffins, Halloween and fall themed cookies…” he started pulling the containers out one-by-one. Mathias observed the foods in awe; and his face brightened even more when Francis revealed an even better-looking dish.

“Lastly, pumpkin pie.” The pie was carefully crafted and the perfect golden-brown color. Mathias felt himself almost drool from the sight of it. “Amazing, no? Smell it,” Francis removed the cover and held it up to him. The overwhelming harmony of spices and pumpkin instantly hit Mathias and nearly casted his soul away in food heaven.

“Now,” Francis eased the lid back on, Mathias snapped out of the daze. “This will more than likely become my best seller when I start selling them next week. It’s very important that this is put where your customers can easily see it and want it. Now that school has started, business hasn’t been the greatest. I need to make up for this. You don’t want my business to die, right?” Mathias quickly nodded. “Good, good. Do I have your word?”

“Yes sir, Mr. Bonnefoy,” Mathias answered, just as the bell above the entrance rang as the door flew open.

“Good morning!” Tino Väinämöinen sang upon his theatrical arrival. Arthur, who had been dozing off, stood up so quickly, the chair he was placed in nearly fell backwards.

Køhler's KoffeeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant