Chapter 4

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Astrids POV:
I'm in my chambers. I have bandages all over me from the fights earlier. I'm getting ready for dinner. I put some tight black trousers on but still breathable and a white Cotten top. Hannah knocks on my door and we walk to the dinning room together. She often has dinner with us, it makes it easier for everything time wise, however this dinner will probably be very awkward and I'm not really looking forward to it. Maybe I can leave early.

We get there and everyone else is there already. My father, my younger sister and princess Rosanna. We take our places and I apologize for being late we walk a little slower since a lot of our injury's are on our legs. He said it was fine then we all started to eat. My father congratulated me on winning for the third week in a row. So far it's mainly been tense conversation and awkward silence. I didn't think it could get any worse my sister has to say something "talk about having and awkward dinner exes in the room makes it 10 times worse." She's such and idiot. She knows exactly how to get under my skin. This one comment has just made me angry. I stand up and walk out the room as I do I hear Hannah say to my sister "seriously what were you thinking, I know it's not my place but that was a shit comment even for you Lizzie." As soon as I shut the door I run out of the castle and and jump on the closest horse and ride out the kingdom. I need to breathe and all I'm doing is being suffocated. I have to get away even if just for a night. It's not dark it's the start of the sunset. Unfortunately I can't pay attention to that right now, I have to move and quickly before Hannah sends a search party and they catch me before I can take a break. Luckily I have my own secret place no one knows about. It will take 10 minutes if my horse sprints, which it is. I have my sword on me and my bow and arrow and a small cooking set with some furs. I always have horses have stuff on them in case of emergency's which this is one.

I'm at my place. We walk through the waterfall into the cave. I then move the rock and go through it walking my horse in then move the rock back. I built this place when I was small and only finished it 4 years ago I think. It has cupboards and a small bed but now covers. There's a tiny gap like a peep hole just so I know whether it's night or day. It's now pitch black but I've lit some lanterns so I can see. I only have one set of clean clothes so I will change into them tomorrow. I get the furs out and place them on the bed. I feed and water my the horse then go to sleep. I will return tomorrow but it's best if I'm alone right now.

Rosannas POV:
I'm in my room. After that comment Elizabeth made everyone just left. There's some chatter in the castle so I ask Diana to see what's going on. She comes in and says "princess Astrid took a horse and went off into the woods, they have knights looking for her" I furrow my eyebrows "she ran away because of one stupid comment her little sister made, that's an over reaction." Diana just shakes her head which confuses me then says "Rosanna I think it's best you get some sleep, I will be down stairs in my room if you need me" I nod. She leaves and I wait a minute. I can't sleep I want to know what's going on, I may not like Astrid anymore I may even hate her but I guess you can call me nosy. I open my door and walk around.

A couple minutes later I see Hannah down the hall. I shout "Hannah do you have any news about Astrids location." She walks over to me and pulls me along the corridor back to my room "princess Rosanna I'm sorry but it's best you stay in here, we have no idea where she is. When she doesn't want to be found we won't find her, however I know she will be back tomorrow, whether that's in the morning or evening I cannot say but please stay here we can't be looking after you and trying to find her, your probably the last person that could help her anyway" I furrow my eyebrows at the last comment. I know that I hate but she broke up with me, she has no reason to hate me, she broke my heart. You know what I hope she doesn't come back at least not for a while. Hannah leaves and I just change into night clothes and go to sleep let's see what happens tomorrow.

Why did Astrid break up with Rosanna I wonder but her future wife hates her. That's not good. What will happen tomorrow. Will they even speak to each other who know. Comment vote follow me I'll post again soon.

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