Chapter Kamakiri

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Midoriya and Aang stood at the edge of the Earth Kingdom, watching the Firelord and his fleet of airships near.

The glanced at each other before departing for the battle.

Unlike Aang, Midoriya had no issue with having to fight Ozai, and so it was agreed that he would help in any way he could.

A great waterfall of fire fell from the leading vessel, flooding the land below with cinders and ash. This was obviously the ship that held the Firelord, as he was positioned at the very front, in his ceremonial gowns, searing the land.

Aang kicked layers of rocks towards the fleet, hoping to land a hit on the main airship, rendering it useless. He managed to puncture the side, however not enough to do any serious damage.

The ship flew past them, allowing Ozai to get a good look at what he was dealing with. He noticeably scowled before tearing his robes off, lighting them on fire dramatically.

He used his firebending to fly him to get him to a rock opposite the two boys.

"The Avatar and the second airbender... Generations of Firelords have tried and failed to eliminate you, and the universe hands you to me as an act of providence." he shouts, glaring at them from his position.

"Please listen, we don't have to fight! You have the power to end it here and stop what you're doing!" Aang pleaded.

"That's right, I have the power! I have all the power in the world!" Ozai proclaimed, shooting fire in every direction he could. "I am the Phoenix King, ruler of the world!"

Aang leaped around the flames, realising that he wasn't going to be able to talk his way out of a fight. He used earthbending to throw parts of the cliff at the Phoenix King - so he had called himself.

"Midoriya, find the others!" Aang called out to the other. He firmly nodded before running off to find everyone else.

He suspected they'd be on the airships, however he didn't know which ones, and it would be risky to take down any without being sure that his friends weren't inside it.

He used the rocks that were just above sea level to jump off, however the further out he got, the harder these were to come by.

Pausing to breath for a moment, he glanced back at Aang and Ozai. They had been back and forth with fire, air, water, earth and more fire for minutes, neither of them gaining a particular advantage.

A blast of lightening could be seen for miles, clearly directed towards the Avatar.

"Aang!" Midoriya cried, rushing to help him, possibly fracturing a bone in the process. He saw the electricity redirected into the sky and Aang fall to the floor - he quickened his pace.

With a final leap, his fist made contact with the Phoenix King's face, knocking him off his rock giving time for Aang to regain balance.

"Are you alright?" he asked, helping him up.

"Never better. I think Sokka and the others got control of the airships." Aang gestured to the fleet, which was in commotion with itself.

"Be careful." Midoriya warned before going back to find everyone else.

He noticed something in the distance, jumping from ship to ship, the damage usually following the figure.

"Kacchan!" he exclaimed to himself. He continued to watch the other destroying the vessels until he saw him dropping from an exploding airship, limp and unconscious.

"Kacchan!" he repeated, calling out as he leaped forwards to catch his falling friend.

He caught Bakugo in his arms, hurriedly taking him to stable ground, out of the way of the battle.

"Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive." he whispered, laying him down carefully. "Kacchan?"

He didn't expect an answer, however he still asked.

Checking the others pulse, he could feel it beating harsh against his neck, but his skin was perfectly dry. He had used all of his possible power to destroy the final airship, risking his life in the process.

Like a lamb opening it's eyes for the first time, Bakugo woke up just enough to see who had saved him.

"Damn... Deku... Where the hell... Were you?" he struggled out, coughing slightly.

"Thank fuck you're still okay... ish." Midoriya was grateful that he had made it out in one piece, even if his body was covered in scratches from flying debris.

"What's Aang doing?" Bakugo's head had rolled over to face Aang and Ozai's fight.

Aang's tattoos and eyes were glowing blue, he looked furious, slamming Ozai about like he was a doll.

"He's in the Avatar State!" Midoriya realised aloud. He'd heard about the Avatar State from when he was exploring the Western Air Temple, however he'd never seen it until now.

They watched Aang easily hold Ozai down at the very top of the cliff with earth, his wrists and feet trapped.

He started to send all of the elements hurling at the monster before him, however he let them go at the last second, releasing Ozai from his grip and leaving the Avatar State.

Seizing the opportunity to attack again, the Phoenix King tried to send a blast of fire towards Aang, however he was stopped, hands once again bound by earth.

Aang took a step towards Ozai, placing a hand on his forehead and heart. Suddenly, a blast of light, red and blue emerged from their eyes and mouth, illuminating the area.

The red light surrounded the blue as if it were eating it up. The blue light pounced back, erasing the red completely.

As quickly as it appeared, the light disappeared, as Ozai flopped onto the floor.

Kirishima landed the airship that he was on next to Aang; Suki, Sokka and Toph jumped out.

"Is he... You know..." Suki asked, referring to the ex Firelord. He grunted and moved slightly as if to attack before giving up completely. This caused the trio to jump, as they were expecting him to be dead.

"I've taken his bending away. He can't use it to hurt anyone else." Aang explained as Kirishima appeared.

"You can do that?"

"I can now." they laughed childishly as Ozai watched, knowing that he wouldn't stand a chance against them without his firebending.

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