Chapter Shoji

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(A/n this is just to break up the boiling rock chapters, we'll get back to Zuko, Sokka and Kiri next chapter)

"Gone hunting for meat. Be back in a few days. Sokka, Zuko and Kirishima. Ps. Aang, practice your firebending while I'm gone. Do 20 hotsquats every time you hear a badgerfrog croak." Katara read the note aloud to the others. "I guess we have peace for a while."

Todoroki stifled a laugh before Bakugo emerged from his self proclaimed room.

"Where the hell is Shitty Hair?" he asked, ruffling his own hair into place - even if said placement was a mess.

"He's gone get some food with Sokka and Zuko. They should be back in a few days." Katara replied, holding up the note so he could see.

"So I have to spend time with the rest of you until he gets back? No thanks." he turned around to leave before Toph bent a column of earth around him, trapping him in place.

"Not on my watch Super Sparky. We're having a group training session."

Bakugo looked livid to say the least. To say the most, would be that he looked about to explode. "Can you stop doing that!" he more demanded than asked. That's never going to happen.

"Only when you stop being so stubborn to admit that you don't care about anyone!" she'd never admit it, but Katara was proud of Toph. The earthbender had very clearly taken a liking to Bakugo, but he was too proud to accept anyone but Kirishima as a friend. Even then, he wouldn't admit that he cared.

Bakugo growled like a dog before admitting defeat. Toph let him go, but not without a final kick. Going to step forward, he noticed his feet stuck in the floor. It took all of his willpower not to blast the temple off the side of the cliff.

Midoriya was shocked. He'd never seen anyone except Kirishima handle Bakugo as well as Toph had just now; even Katara was decent at keeping him down.

"Hey, Sokka left his notebook here. I wonder if there's any good tips in there." Aang notices the book lay by the sleeping bag. He picks it up and flicks through a few pages.


"Todoroki creates a-" he abruptly cuts himself off, blushing slightly. He hands the notebook over to Todoroki, who continues reading it for him.

"Todoroki creates a fuckton of ice that Katara and Aang can bend and take down Firelord shitbrains." he reads aloud.

"Katsuki!" Bakugo winced at Katara yelling his name. "You need to stop swearing."

"I didn't even swear!"

"Sokka had to pick it up from somewhere." this childish side of Bakugo that had never been seen before, and quite frankly, it was hilarious.

Todoroki nodded in agreement, "Firelord Shitbrains is a very you insult. Have you ever considered being a nice person?"

Of course, Bakugo reacted to this boldness, snapping back to his usual self.

"You wanna go, Icy-Hot?" he took a running start at the other before being swiftly encased in ice from below.

"Aw, you think I'm hot." Midoriya snickered at Todoroki's teasing - after all, it was better to do it when Bakugo was immobilised. Even so, he looked like he could kill someone.

"Thanks for the ice." Katara said, looking around at the floor. A shiny film covered the ground like a blanket, except for a circle around Bakugo, which Katara had bent into his temporary prison.

"I take precautions." he looked back at the notebook which was still in his hands. "Bend Bakugo's sweat, the Fire Nation thinks its normal water, they firebend at it and boom it explodes." Todoroki finished reading and showed Katara the doodles.

"You aren't taking my sweat!" Bakugo demanded, though being encased in ice meant he didn't have much to detonate anyway.

"Tough luck." Katara said, bending the beads of sweat on his forehead into her old pouch. Since she learnt how to take water from plants and the air, she hadn't needed it as much, so it had mostly been dead weight until now.

"Anyone want to practise with me?" Aang spoke up.

"Sure." Todoroki said.

"Only if you wear the blindfold." Toph grinned, holding a piece of red fabric up. Midoriya had asked her how she walked around so easily when he first learned she was blind. She had told him that she sensed the earth with her feet, so it was safe to assume that Aang had this ability too.

"Sure! Midoriya?" he asked the other.

"Of course. I couldn't miss it." he replied with a smile.

Todoroki smirked as he sent a blast of ice Katara's way, who immediately melted it and sent it towards Aang in one swift motion.

"Watch out."

Without any hesitation, Toph shifted the earth beneath their feet to simulate a small earthquake, keeping only her area still. They all realised that without proper footing, Toph had already won the fight.

Todoroki created a pillar of ice to stand on, which Katara and Aang immediately melted to steal the water for themselves.

The earthquake broke apart Bakugo's prison enough for him to join the battle. In an instant, he launched himself into the air. With this, Toph couldn't see where he was and he had the advantage of higher ground. Aang had done a similar thing, but he was on a time limit without his glider.

Todoroki and Midoriya had the least advantages here - any ice that Todoroki made would be stolen and Midoriya couldn't get any steady footing. He would have to rely on brute strength alone.

Using 20% of One For All, he sent an air bullet Toph's way, throwing her off, and leveling the playing field for the rest of them. Taking advantage of her loss of balance, Todoroki froze her feet to the floor; neither Aang nor Katara would take the ice since it would put her back in the game.

On the other hand, they were fully on board with bending Bakugo's sweat away from him, rendering him useless until his body produced more. They sent it towards Midoriya - the energy crackling around him would detonate it, meaning that he had to turn One For All off if he didn't want to be injured.

Left in battle was Aang, Katara and Todoroki. He could only use his left side, which wouldn't be strong enough to take them both down, however the other two lacked physical strength in hand to hand combat.

Suddenly, all three were stuck in place, unable to move.

"You dunderheads forgot about me!" Toph yelled, standing on top of a pedastal.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Aang pushed the earth back into the ground.

"Do you think that the Firelord will fight fair?"

Katara smoothed out her hair once she was free again. "We probably should have set some rules before we started."

The gang laughed, and Midoriya could swear he even saw Bakugo smirk.

He was going to miss them when he got back home.

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