Chapter Mineta

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"Oh good, you're awake." Midoriya said once he noticed Aang open his eyes.

"Where are we?" he asked, looking around.

"I don't know, I followed you out here last night. You just started swimming out to some island that randomly appeared." needless to say, Aang looked incredibly confused.

"And you didn't try to stop me?"

"I thought you might be sleep walking! It's dangerous to wake someone up when they're sleep walking." Midoriya defended himself. "Momo's here too, if that helps."

"How do we get back if the island comes and goes? What if we're late for the comet?" Aang started pacing back and forth before an idea came to him. "I'll go to the top of the island to see if I can see anything."

Midoriya watched as Aang jumped up to the top of the trees around them.

"This is an issue." he said, coming down. "I can't see dry land for miles."

"Can you earthbend?" Midoriya asked as he felt the ground. "This doesn't seem like normal earth."

Aang did a punching motion into the air. "It's not earth."

He flopped onto the ground feeling defeated.

"I'm stumped. I wish I had Roku. Wait! I do have Roku!" he moved into a cross legged position to meditate.

A blue light appeared from his body as an old man appeared in front of him. Midoriya guessed that this was Roku, the previous Avatar.

In an effort to pass the time, he decided to contact All Might - he hadn't done it in a while and he wanted to tell him that he was safe.


"Young Midoriya! Nice to see you again!"

"All Might! Hi!" Midoriya responded to the ex hero in front of him.

"Where are you now? This place looks different from the last time." he asked, looking around. "And who's that?"

"That's Aang, he's the Avatar. I don't know where we are. It's a disappearing island that isn't made of earth." Midoriya answered. He didn't bother explaining what the Avatar was since All Might was more focused on the 'disappearing island' part.

"Huh? What about the others?"

"They should be on Ember Island, but they might have gone to the Earth Kingdom by now."

The look on All Might's face was priceless. "You don't know where you are, and they don't either? Aizawa was right when he said we need a tracking device for you all."

Midoriya laughed before he replied. "It's fine, Aang and Zuko are literally celebrities, it won't be hard to find each other."

"Okay, be safe and don't get into any danger until we can find a way to get you home." he didn't dare to tell All Might that he was about to help fight the most powerful and evil man in the world. He'd leave that conversation for later.

When he disconnected himself, Aang was now talking to another Air Nomad Avatar - he could tell from her tattoos. From listening to the final part of their conversation, she seemed like kind of a bummer to have around.

"This is hopeless." Aang said once he had left behind his past lives. "I don't want to have to go against my beliefs, and everyone still tells me to kill Ozai. And we still don't know where we are!"

He looked out into the distance in sadness when he noticed something.

"Hey, Midoriya? Is it just me, or are those mountains getting bigger?" he pointed to the cliffside, which were barely specks when he first spotted them, however they were now visibly shaped.

"Not bigger, closer! I think we're moving!" they ran to the edge of the 'island' to see the water moving behind them. Aang jumped into the sea, bending the water to go deeper.

When he emerged, he called out to Midoriya. "I think we're on the back of an animal! There's a foot down here!" he started swimming around the edge, looking for a face. The other ran to the front of the island to find Aang already there.

A paw rose from the water, allowing Aang to stand on a solid surface. Midoriya hopped onto the paw next to him to see the face of a lion on the so called island. It looked as though it were made of wood, however it was clearly a living creature.

"A lion turtle!" Aang exclaimed, bowing down. Midoriya followed suit. "Maybe you can help me. Everyone, even my past lives are expecting me to end someone's life, but I don't know if I can do it."

The lion turtle replied seemingly without moving. "The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purifying light."

It held two claws up against Aang's forehead and heart; a blinding light appeared, illuminating the world for what could be miles.

"One in a strange land would attempt to hide away. They will attempt to become invisible and stagnant. Standing up is vital to find one's way home." it repeated the action with Midoriya.

He felt a surge of energy rush through his body for a moment before it was gone. It was similar to the sensation of using One For All for the first time at the UA entrance exam, only more foreign and exhilarating.

Momo landed in his hair as they approached the cliffs.

The lion turtle held them up, indicating for them to move off its paw.

"Wait for him. He will come." it told them before sinking back into to sea.

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