Chapter Kaminari

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Midoriya was sat, cross legged in the middle of the meditation chambers when Aang walked in.

"Midoriya? What are you doing?" he asked.

"Can I tell you something? You have to promise not to tell anyone."

"Always. Whatever you need." he sat down next to the future hero.

"I wasn't born with a quirk. It was given to me by someone else. I was hoping that maybe I'd be able to contact the past holders of my quirk, like you do." Midoriya responded, telling Aang about his biggest secret. He trusted the avatar with this knowledge that not even his own mother knew about.

"Have you ever spoken to them before?"

"Once. They appeared in front of me to take me out of a brain washing." Aang stood up, patting Midoriya on the back gently.

"I should probably go find Zuko. I hope you manage to contact your past lives!" speaking to Aang was enough to give anyone hope, and Midoriya was no different. He immediately cheered up, and returned to meditating.

Clear your mind, focus all of your energy on one thing - speaking to All Might.


This is impossible. No. He had to do this. He didn't want to be trapped here forever. His mother would worry; she was probably already worried. They had been gone for several days now, everyone probably thought they were dead. What if they had held a funeral? No, he couldn't think like that. He would get back whether he was dead or alive.

Clear your mind.

Focus all your energy on one thing.

Midoriya activated One For All.



"Young Midoriya?"

"All Might!" in the state of shock of seeing All Might, Midoriya accidentally lost contact. Once again, he was alone. He grumbled a little before trying again.

It took a little longer this time, but Midoriya was determined not to freak out at the sight of his idol.

"Young Midoriya?"

"All Might! You're here!" he cried.

"I was just in the staff room, now I'm here."

"That was me! I summoned you!"

All Might gave a smile to the child in front of him. Even if he was destined to be the greatest hero, he was still a child. And a missing one at that.

"Where are you? Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm at the Western Air Temple, in another world. I'm fine."

"Are Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima with you?"

He nodded. "Kacchan and Todoroki left for the home of the Sun Warriors not long ago. Kirishima is practicing combat with Sokka and Toph."

"Who are Sokka and Toph?" he asked.

"They are two of the people we met here. We also know Aang and Zuko - they're with Todoroki and Kacchan right now - and Katara. I'm not sure what she's doing."

"I don't know how to get you back, but we've been interrogating the villain like crazy. We fear you may be stuck here forever."

"No." Midoriya wasn't one to lose hope like that, "if we got here, we can get back, I'm certain."

Unfortunately, All Might was more of a realist. He knew Midoriya was capable of amazing things, but he was unsure about this.

"Just don't use your full power, I don't want you to be unable to move while you can't access Recovery Girl. And don't do anything too stupid and reckless." he warned the other, who had a tendency to go overboard with 'the right thing'.

"I should tell you that we're in the middle of a 100 year war that we're going to help win."

"What?" of all the places to be, of course its a war torn world.

"Its fine, the literal God on Earth is on our side."


"Yeah?" he looked up at All Might.

"Stay safe."

Midoriya nodded before replying, "I will. Oh, and tell mum that I'm not dead."

All Might chuckled. "I will."

Without much else, he disappeared into a swirling fog as Midoriya opened his eyes, gasping slightly.

He did it. He actually did it! He couldn't wait to tell Aang about this. In the meantime, however, he would go back to practicing fighting.


Bakugo, Todoroki, Zuko and Aang were stuck to an airvent in ruins that no one has lived in for hundreds of years. Whether they would get out or not was debatable.

"Hey Bakugo. If we die now, you'll never be a better hero than Midoriya." Todoroki said, pulling Bakugos strings.

"What the HELL did you just say!" both his mood and the vent they were glued to exploded, freeing them.

"Nice work!" Zuko complimented Todoroki for the first time since they'd met. The four of them continued through the ancient city until they discovered something that hadn't been seen for many years.

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