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~Maeve's POV~

"Goddamn it, Maeve, where did you put the—holy fuck!" Jase came in angrily yelling and then stopped abruptly when he saw Luke and I together in my bed.

My head whipped up in surprise and I stared at him awkwardly while Luke made sure my blanket was covering both of us plenty, mainly me. He didn't seem to care if Jase saw him naked, maybe because they were on the football team together? I mean, surely they ended up seeing one another's junk in the locker rooms, right? I scrunched my nose up a little bit at the thought, shaking the thoughts away.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jase squawked like a bird, dark green eyes wide and confused. I was pretty sure that he had probably just been given the shock of his life.

Awkwardly, I looked up at Luke, who was leaning back against my headboard as he stared at my brother with the most bored look on his face. "Does it not look self explanatory to you?" Luke asked flatly, raising a brow. Jase's eyes snapped from me to Luke, narrowing. "The fuck did you just say?" He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. It was obvious he was trying to intimidate him, but Luke was unbothered. "What? Are you hard of hearing, too? I said, does this not look self explanatory? Do you need some kind of play by play or something?" Luke retorted, and I gently nudged his knee with mine to get his attention. Our eyes met and I gave a slight shake of my head, letting him know I didn't want there to be an argument. So he stopped.

Jase rolled his eyes and looked back at me again, now looking pissed instead of confused. "What's the deal here, Maeve? You're fucking Luke?" He asked, raising his brows as he stared at me expectantly, waiting for an explanation. Really, I didn't owe him one at all, but I gave it to him anyway. "We're dating. Actually, we've been dating for a while." I answered, tracing circles on Luke bare chest absentmindedly.

Not surprisingly, the news did not settle well with Jase, just as I assumed. "Dating?" He scoffed, glaring at the two of us. "What about Nic? He's been pining after you for forever and you're just gonna fuck someone else on the team instead?" He asked incredulously, surprising me a little. Only a little, though. I thought he'd have something to say about Nicolai, but I wasn't expecting it to be like this. "Pining after me?" I echoed, staring at him with my brows raised. He had to be joking because there was no way he was serious. "If by pining after me you mean he's been harassing and insulting me every chance he gets, then yeah, he definitely has been." I scowled.

"And I just said that we're not just screwing, we're dating. Dating." I stressed, raising my brows at him. He scowled. "Don't speak to me like I'm stupid." He snapped, making me sigh and roll my eyes as I glanced up at Luke. "How the hell is he related to you?" Luke grumbled to me, making me giggle softly and shake my head as I gave a gentle shrug of my shoulders.

"Whatever. You and him," Jase cut in again and gestured between Luke and I. "I'm not gonna allow it. I don't care if you're dating or just fucking, or whatever, but you're not allowed to anymore." He said, surprising both Luke and I.

Both mine and Luke's lips parted as we stared at him while he looked completely serious, seeming to think that he had the authority and the right to decide something like that for me. "Goddamn, you've got a lot of nerve, man." Luke laughed in his face and slid an arm around my shoulder, purposely pulling me into his warm side more. I welcomed it, not bothering to stop him from speaking up this time because I agreed. Jase couldn't do this to me. He was my brother, and not even a good one at that, not my parent. He had no right to say anything like that to me.

"I have a lot of nerve?!" Jase scoffed and flickered his eyes back and forth between us two. "What about her?! She's the whore who's fucking you just for the sake of spiting Nicolai." He sneered at me and my jaw dropped, unable to believe what I'd just heard.

Luke only laughed again, grabbing his boxers from the floor before he slipped them on under the blankets. "Say that again, Jason, and I swear you'll be leaving this room with at least a bloody nose." He dared, and Jase took the bait. "You fucking heard me, Luke. She's only fucking you to get back at Nicolai. You're dating a whore." Jase repeated, his words cutting me deep despite the fact that none of it was true in even the slightest bit. I really loved Luke a lot.

It happened so fast I felt a little bit confused. One second Luke was beneath the blankets with me and the next he was on the other side of the room, holding my brother on the floor as he beat his face in. My eyes bugged wide and I sat there helplessly, unable to get out of bed due to the fact that I was still entirely naked. "Luke! Luke, stop!" I cried from my bed, and he grunted as he got up off Jase, who did indeed have a bloody nose. It looked a little bit crooked, too. "You've got a lot of nerve treating her like that." Luke spoke to my brother now, not bothering to fight him since Jase was down now. "Maeve isn't a whore, and I know for a fact that she's not using me—not for anything." He said confidently.

He stared down at my brother, who was trying to keep the blood from getting everywhere by using his shirt to stop it. "Nicolai never deserved her, not even for a second, and it's disgusting that you're so far up his ass you can't even stand behind your sister and be there for her when she deserves it. He treated her like she owed him her body and you're mad at her for never giving herself to him?" He scoffed at my brother and looked at him as if he was nothing more than old gum on the bottom of his shoe. "And when she finds me, you're mad she's happy with someone who actually treats her like she deserves? Do you even realize how fucked up that is?"

After Luke's rant was over, I was surprised to see that Jase, for perhaps the first time ever, actually appeared shocked into silence. And if I wasn't mistaken, I was pretty sure I saw a look of regret on his face.

Sugar and Spice / l.h ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat