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~Luke's POV~

I sat down on the bleachers, tying up the laces on my cleats as coach Frayser yelled for me to hurry my ass up and get on the field already. Grumbling under my breath out of annoyance, I stood up after my laces were tied and walked onto the field, my helmet dangling from my grasp.

Thankfully we weren't actually practicing today, but we were going to probably be lectured or just listen him talk out his ass like he did at least once a week to us. I always just tuned him out, as did pretty much everyone else except for a couple of guys who seemed to kiss his ass just to be on his good side. After I sat down with the rest of the guys, I leaned back onto my palms and set my helmet between my thighs, sprawling my legs out in front of me. Next to me, Nicolai sat down and looked over at me, but I ignored his gaze on me entirely, pretending like I didn't even notice him there.

As I drifted off into la la land, not paying much attention to anything being said around me, I noticed the guy in front of us lean back towards Nicolai and do a weird nod of his head in the direction of the left side of the football field. Curious, I casually looked over, as my head was lulled back anyways and it probably wouldn't be too noticeable to anyone sitting around me—namely Nicolai.

My eyes scanned around for a moment before landing on Maeve's figure sat up in the bleachers, on her phone. She didn't seem to notice that any of us were looking at her, so I took the advantage and took a moment to check her out, even though I had seen her several other times that day. We had a few classes together and lunch after all so it was expected that I'd see her by now, but I never took the time to really check her out unless I knew she wouldn't catch me doing it—or at least that was what I tried to do. Sometimes I caught myself slipping up, but at least she'd never caught me ogling her.

I couldn't help but to notice how good she looked, even from afar. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun, which she must've done later in the day because her hair had been down the last time I saw her, and she was wearing a tiny white and yellow plaid romper that had thin spaghetti straps and was so short on her it basically did nothing to contain her ass. On her feet was a pair of white sneakers and she looked so weirdly cute, like she always did. It was no wonder so many guys wanted her.

"She's fucking hot, right?" Nicolai spoke up from beside me, making it obvious that he was talking to me by nudging me with his elbow. I frowned and looked over at him, finding his gaze trained on her like he was undressing her in his mind. It grossed me the fuck out.

Narrowing my eyes at the side of his face, I wondered how he had ever managed to get a girl like Maeve, who was far too good for the likes of him. I pitied her for ever having to be with an asshole like that. "Yeah." I said flatly, not wanting to talk with him or even remotely encourage him. Either he didn't know that I was trying to brush him off or he knew and simply didn't care, because he just kept right on talking to me.

Nicolai sighed and looked at Maeve with a little frown. "Man, I still can't believe I never even got to hit that." He complained, causing my eyes to snap over to him, a little bit surprised. I knew he was a pig, but I don't think I'd ever actually heard him talk about her like this before, mostly because I ignored him on such a level that I never heard anything he said. I'd learned to just ignore him when he was around, but now he was talking directly to me, about Maeve.

It was almost unbelievable that he was saying things like that out loud, especially to other people.

Curious, I looked at him, frowning to myself as I contemplated whether or not I should say what I was itching to. "You're lucky you ever even got to date her in the first place." I said eventually, deciding I didn't give a shit if I offended him.

He glanced over at me, an amused smile on his lips. "I'm lucky?" He echoed, laughing at my words. I almost rolled my eyes. "If I was lucky, I'd have fucked her by now." He retorted, shaking his head as he looked back at her again. "But I guess at least she compensated in other ways. She sucked my dick so good that I'd say those few months we were together were well worth it." He shrugged, like he was talking about the weather and not completely disrespecting his ex-girlfriend.

I was stunned into silence, knowing now why Maeve truly tried her best to ignore him every time he was around her. This guy was just continuing to make himself into more and more of an asshole the more I got to know him.

"Shouldn't you keep that type of shit to yourself?" I asked him as I raised my brows, my stomach swirling with disgust for the guy I was talking to. I was pissed off, which didn't happen often, if ever. Normally I was pretty chill, but he had a lot of goddamn nerve to be talking like that about Maeve to me. She was my only friend here and I hated that he was talking about her like he was. She was too sweet to be spoken about that way.

Scoffing, Nicolai just shrugged his shoulders again and looked over at me. "Who cares?" He said, raising a brow at me. "Besides, you're a guy. You think she's hot, too, right?" He asked, not even waiting for a response before he continued on, looking over at Maeve. "Because if you try and tell me that you wouldn't sleep with her the first chance you got, you'd be insane." He snorted, amused.

Every time he opened his mouth, I just got more pissed off. Sure, I thought that Maeve was very attractive, but I wasn't sure if I'd just fuck her because I thought she was beautiful. Casual sex wasn't my thing, and it never had been.

"Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if you're just friends with her to get in her pants. It's not like it'd be the first time a guy tried to do that, so let me spare you the time and tell you now: she's a prude. Your chances are less than slim to none." He added, causing me to glare at the side of his face. I was unbelievably irritated with him. How Jase could be friends with someone like this, especially with all the shit he talked about Maeve, was far beyond my comprehension.

"I'm friends with her because I like her. She's sweet. You might think with your dick, but I don't. If I wanted to fuck her, I can tell you now she'd know it." I scoffed, standing up before I leaned down to grab my helmet off the ground. Before I stood up, I said to him, "And you can be damn sure she'd be more satisfied by me than you could even imagine making her." I chuckled at the way he glared at me, walking off the field carelessly. I couldn't stand to be around him anymore.

I walked up into the bleachers and over to Maeve, who looked up at me with a smile on her glossy pink lips as she shut off her phone and put it into her backpack. "Hi." She greeted, her voice soft and pleasant. I sat down beside her and could feel the burning heat of the metal bleachers through my pants, burning my ass, but I suffered through it because I much preferred her company over anyone else's. "Hey." I sighed, lulling my head to the side to look over at her.

Her green eyes sparkled under the bright sun, making her look even more striking. It really did hit me quite often how pretty she was, strands of her blonde hair falling into her face. "Aren't you supposed to be out on the field? Coach Frayser is still talking." She wondered, looking up at me curiously. I snorted and shook my head dismissively. "Nah, he's just talking about bullshit. Most people aren't even listening except the ass kissers of the team." I explained, earning a little laugh. I fought to contain my smile at the sound and said, "I was hoping you wouldn't mind me intruding so I don't have to sit down there with those idiots."

There was a smile on her face. "I guess I could make a little time to talk with you." She teased, a playful glint in her eyes. It felt almost stupid how hard I was smiling.

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